1. Listify
Listify by Jon Kuperman is a jQuery plugin that adds meta list items to master list items on hover.
2. jQuery Data-href plugin
Data-href plugin by GoodShape is a jQuery plugin that helps users in converting all elements with data-href=” to a clickable areas.
3. neatShow.js
Developed by Steve Papadopoulos neatShow is a useful jQuery plugin to fade in images beautifully on your website.
4. jQuery DataSaver
Developed by Seleznev Alexander DataSaver is a jQuery plugin that helps save your data from form fields in the web storage.
5. jQuery THScroll
Developed by Mathieu Bertholino THScroll is a jQuery plugin for table header to have a fixed position to the page while your scroll down.
6. Images rotation jQuery plugin
Image rotation is a jQuery plugin that switches the images when a user hovers the mouse over the image and pauses on mouse out.
7. kalendar
kalendar by Eric Wennerberg is a plugin that helps you display a calendar with events both Google Calendar and custom on your website without any hassle.
8. ABigImage
As you all might have noticed this plugin is related to images. Now what is it let us know. ABigImage by Krylosov Maksim is a jQuery plugin developed for viewing big versions of images. Clicking image opens next one, clicking left side opens previous, clicking right side closes image.