1. jQuery lightGallery
lightGallery is a lightweight lightbox gallery that works with both still images and video gallery. The plugin works with modern browsers, offers support for fade and slide effects and you can put multiple sliders on a single page.
2. TieJS
Developed by Georg Henkel, TieJS is a jquery plugin that helps make it easy for users to create forms via JSON and bind objects to its form fields.
3. jQuery Tendina Plugin
Developed by Ivan Prignano, Tendina is a super easy-to-use jQuery plugin that helps rapidly build drop-down side menus.
4. jQuery jPList Plugin
Developed by Miriam Zusin, jQuery jPList Plugin is a flexible jQuery plugin for sorting, pagination and filtering of any HTML structure.
5. ajaxloader
Developed by Mohit K Singh, ajaxloader is a jQuery plugin that helps show a loader on every ajax hit on the server with different themes.
6. Vibr
Developed by Evgeny Dvoynishnikov, Vibr is a jQuery plugin that lets users create vibration effect with ease.
7. Fort.js
Fort.js is modern progress bar for form completion. Users simply got to add the form and Fort.js’ algorithm does the rest.
8. jQuery tCheckAll
Developed by Alfredo Berumen, tCheckAll is a jQuery plugin that enables users to check and uncheck all your checkboxes.
If you have tried out any of the above plugin feel free to share your views with us. Also, if you know about any such useful and best jQuery plugins, do let us know by leaving your comments below.