1. jQuery MessageBox by SivaKumar and Jeyadevan
As the name says, this is a jQuery plugin for creating own message box with ease.
2. searchSelect by Odd Hill
searchSelect is a jQuery plugin for searchable and scrollable select lists while keeping default button style. To make the select lists searchable and scrollable, users need to run the plugin on any html select element.
3. Focusd by Vincent Diep
The name given to this jquery plugin is apt as it is used to mark elements that have been focused on.
4. jQuery confirmOn
Developed by Loran Kloeze, Invetek this cool jQuery plugin shows a confirmation box when the provided events are triggered. When the user clicks yes the handler is called, when the user clicks no then the confirmation box hides itself and nothing else happens.
5. jQuery Persian Datepicker by Reza Babakhani
Its a javascript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting persian dates System.
6. jQuery Fluid Content Scroller
This plugin makes navigation through long item lists like news, events, blog posts smooth and easy. Plugin is represented with the tabbed navigation panel at the top and at the bottom of the page / list container allowing to instantly scroll up and down to a particular post on the list.
7. isInViewport.js by Mudit Ameta
This is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that tells you if an element is in the viewport but with a twist. How? Check out the demo.
8. jQuery AsyncRequest by Thiago Aguiar
This is a jQuery plugin for making request with visual feedback like blocked element, notify result and likewise.
9. Flexible jQuery slider plugin
Developed by Mamod Mehyar, this ayaSlider lets you create a flexible slider with multiple parallax effects, without limits or predefined styles. Users get the facility to slide any HTML element in and out with data tags.
10. timed event sequence by Charles Marshall
timed event sequence jQuery plugin helps trigger an event on a collection at a regular interval.
11. imgcolr grabs image color
Developed by by Sway Deng, imgcolr is a plugin that grabs the dominant color of a given image’s borders. By using imgcolr, the page’s background color will be dynamically adapted for the current image with less than 6 lines of code. Check out the demo link given below to see how it works.
12. Shadowmation
Jacob Heater developed this jQuery plugin for animating CSS3 box-shadow property. In simple words this plugin offers flexible settings that let developers achieve desired effect of the box-shadow animation.
13. jQuery Pristine
Developed by Nuri Hodges, this jQuery plugin is for simple, unbloated form validation.
14. Vanderlee Coverflow
Developed by Martijn van der Lee, Coverflow uses the concepts of “selected”, “inner” and “outer” to cover one or more coverflows or access an existing coverflow.
15. Hide Paragraphs
This jQuery plugin by Manuel Barros Reyes hides paragraphs that you don’t want visible at first glance. It can be used when you only want to show the first paragraphs of a long text. The plugin automatically adds buttons at the end of the truncated paragraphs to toggle the concealed text visibility.
16. jQuery NihalSoft Window Plugin
Developed by K.H.Mohamed Sheik Mohideen for NihalSoft, an offshore software outsourcing company NihalSoft Window is a jQuery plugin NihalSoft Window Plugin that can be well put as model Window jQuery JavaScript library.
17. jQuery Binder by GoDaddy
Binder is a jQuery Plugin that tracks elements with a given event listener.
18. jQuery Animated Sort Plugin
Developed by Cristian Derr this jQuery plugin animates the sorting of an html list using various options including the algorithm to be used.
19. Picture Box
This jQuery plugin lets you view zoom-in pictures with navigation, switch to fullscreen mode to view pictures via arrow keys. How cool does that sound.
Stay tuned for more best jQuery plugins of next week and not to forget its the end of the month and we will soon be coming up with the huge list of best jQuery plugins of the month of September. We hope you find spending time reading our articles worth it.