1. Scroll effect a la Google
Developed by Eric Wennerberg this is a cool tool for Google+ users. If you have used the Google+ app for Android you probably have noticed the cool scroll effect. With this jQuery Plugin you will be able to recreate it with ease.
2. PaginateMyTable
Developed by Andrey Gubal PaginateMyTable is a jQuery plugin for HTML table pagination.
3. jQuery List Sorter
Developed by Aman Dogra, jQuery List Sorter as the name says is for sorting lists that behave like tables. Its similar to the jquery tablesorter plugin.
4. simulateTouch
SimulateTouch by Martin Krause enhance your automated tests by simulate touches and gestures.
5. jQuery Keymap
Create your own keymap to display the keybinings of your software with jQuery.
6. Flat jQuery Piechart
Developed by Eric Wennerberg Flat jQuery Piechart jQuery plugin is for implementing a pure CSS piechart. This plugin is a part of Flatmin Responsive Framework.
7. Bootstrap Image Gallery
Developed by Sebastian Tschan Bootstrap Image Gallery is an extension to blueimp Gallery, a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image and video gallery.
8. jQuery Selectric
Devloped by Leonardo Santos Selectric is a latest jQuery plugin that helps users stylize and manipulate HTML selects.
9. sevenSeg
Developed by Brandon L White, sevenSeg is a jQueryUI plugin for creating vector-based (SVG) seven-segment displays. Bindings for Knockout included.
10. jQuery Validamesta
Developed by Enrique Urzua Garcia jQuery Validamesta plugin is for validation targered to be used more with tag attributes
11. Ezdz [izy-dizy]
Developed by Jay Salvat jQuery plugin to turn standard input type file into a nice drag and drop zone with validators and previews. This plugin uses HTML5 File, Drag and Drop API so it works properly on modern browsers.
12. jQuery Expandify plugin
Developed by Matthew Holt, Expandify is a lightweight plugin that can be used to expand and contract textareas according to the height of user’s input up to a maximum number of rows.