m23 rock 13.1 发布, Debian GNU/Linux软件部署系统
m23 是一个用于 Debian GNU/Linux的软件部署系统。能够让您通过网络安装和管理数以百计的客户端。 It can partition and format clients and install Debian, (K/X)Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, OpenSuse, and CentOS operating systems on your virtual and physical clients. Group functions allow the comfortable update and installation of further packages during operation. Mass installation functions simplify your administration chores. m23 has a Web interface. Backup functions are implemented for server and clients。
发布日志: This release adds many visible changes, just in time for the LinuxTag in Berlin. With "Fresh Blue", there is now a new theme for the m23 Web interface, and on the client side, Linux Mint 13 with its desktops Mate and Cinnamon has been added. There are many other changes and improvements, including the option to install the m23 server on a Raspberry Pi or a new kernel, including additional drivers.