小型 Linux 系统,4MLinux 13.1 发布
jopen 9年前
4MLinux 是一个迷你的Linux发行版,包含一些系统维护和恢复工具,如 cfdisk 和 GNU parted 用来管理分区、testdisk 用来恢复分区、photorec 用来恢复文件以及 ntfs3g 用来支持对 NTFS 分区格式的数据读写。
4MLinux 13.1 发布,该版本有四项主要的更新:-
the Linux 3.18 LTS kernel series is now included in the core of the system,
the GTK+ 3.x series has been added,
Mesa and Xorg have been totally rebuilt to ensure full 3D support for modern video cards,
and so called Legacy Installer (which makes it possible to install 4MLinux on old computers) has been included in the 4MLinux installation CD (see: the 4MLinux Blog for details).
更多内容请查看:release announcement.
下载地址:4MLinux-13.1.iso (361MB, pkglist).