Parsix GNU/Linux 5.0 发布,基于Debian GNU/Linux

jopen 12年前

Parsix GNU/Linux是可安装的自启动运行DVD,它基于Debian GNU/Linux。该项目的目标是基于Debian的测试分支及GNOME桌面环境的最新稳定版本发布,提供一份即刻可用的、易于安装的操作系统。可以用该发行自己的软件仓库安装额外的软件包。
Parsix GNU/Linux 5.0 发布,基于Debian GNU/Linux
Alan Baghumian has announced the final version of Parsix GNU/Linux 5.0, a live and installation DVD based on Debian:
" Our goal is to provide a ready to use and easy to install desktop and laptop optimized operating system based on Debian's testing branch and the latest stable release of GNOME desktop environment. We have our own software repositories and build servers to build and provide all the necessary updates and missing features in Debian testing branch. Parsix GNU/Linux 5.0 (code name Lombardo) brings lots of updated packages, improved installer system, systemd init system and other quality new features. This version has been synchronized with Debian Wheezy repositories as of August 7, 2013. Parsix Lombardo ships with GNOME 3.8 and LibreOffice productivity suit by default."

Find the detailed release notes for further information.
Download: parsix_5.0r0-amd64.iso (1,081MB, MD5).
Parsix GNU/Linux 5.0 发布,基于Debian GNU/Linux