Parsix GNU/Linux 5.0 Test 3 发布,基于Debian GNU/Linux

jopen 12年前

Parsix GNU/Linux是可安装的自启动运行DVD,它基于Debian GNU/Linux。该项目的目标是基于Debian的测试分支及GNOME桌面环境的最新稳定版本发布,提供一份即刻可用的、易于安装的操作系统。可以用该发行自己的软件仓库安装额外的软件包。
Parsix GNU/Linux 5.0 Test 3 发布,基于Debian GNU/Linux
Alan Baghumian has announced the availability of the third test release of Parsix GNU/Linux 5.0, a Debian-based desktop Linux distribution with GNOME 3.8:

" The third and final testing release of Parsix GNU/Linux 5.0, code name 'Lombardo', has been released. This is an RC-quality release and the goal is to make the final version ready by next week. This version ships with the GNOME 3.8.3 desktop environment and Linux kernel 3.8.13 built on top of the rock-solid Debian 7.0 platform. It also merges all security and bug fix updates from Debian repositories as of July 17, 2013. Other notable changes in 5.0: new artwork based on Metal X Shell Theme, Pull Me Under II HD wallpaper, Foresight GTK+ 2 theme engine and Faience icon; updated Adobe Flash player to Note for NVIDIA and ATI users: it's now possible to install ATI, NVIDIA and legacy NVIDIA (173xx and 96xx series) drivers and kernel modules from the APT repository."

Please see the release notes for further information.
Download: parsix_5.0-TEST-3-amd64.iso (1,079MB, MD5).
Parsix GNU/Linux 5.0 Test 3 发布,基于Debian GNU/Linux