面向对象风格的Bash 4框架,oobash 0.39.9 发布
jopen 12年前
oobash是一个面向对象风格的Bash 4框架,采用bash编写。它提供了快速脚本开发。特性:
- 生成自己的类开发工具
- Developer tool for generating own man pages for the classes/scripts
- Developer tool for generating script skeleton
- decorators for shell functions ;-)
- Use of bash autocompletion
- Registry for environment cleanUp
- Math methods accept args with "." or "," float values
- Math methods accept args with scientific notation
- String manipulation with special czech, slovak and slovenian characters
- String manipulation with special french and polish and icelandic characters
- String manipulation with special scottish gaelic, catalan and hungarian characters
- String manipulation with special albanian, swedish, finnish, danish and norwegian characters
- String manipulation with special spanish characters
- String manipulation with special romanian characters and german umlauts
- man pages
- Manage your system processes
- i18n
- Support for some ssh tasks
1、增加了文件 (lastChanged, lastAccessed, setLastAccessed, touch, isOlderThan, isNewerThan)
2、增加了私有函数(__isatty, __terminalSupportscolors, __slashCheck, __getLoggingTimestamp, __getFreeFD, __setPS4),
3、可以让所有生成器使用可选的变量 __AUTHOR__, __COMPANY__, and __EMAIL__,