Java面向对象查询框架,jOOQ 2.5.0 发布

openkk 12年前
   <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958333388726067523" target="_blank">jOOQ</a>代表Java面向对象查询Java Object Oriented Querying。它包含了以下功能特性:</p>    <ul>     <li>代码生成: jOOQ generates a simple Java representation of your database schema. Every table, view, stored procedure, enum, UDT is a class.</li>     <li>Active records: jOOQ implements an easy-to-use active record pattern. It is NOT an OR-mapper, but provides a 1:1 mapping between tables/views and classes. Between columns and members.</li>     <li>Typesafe SQL: jOOQ allows for writing compile-time typesafe querying using its built-in fluent API.</li>     <li>SQL standard: jOOQ supports all standard SQL language features including the more complex UNION's, nested SELECTs, joins, aliasing</li>     <li>Vendor-specific feature support: jOOQ encourages the use of vendor-specific extensions such as stored procedures, UDT's and ARRAY's, recursive queries, and many more.</li>    </ul>    <p>示例代码:</p>    <pre class="brush:java; toolbar: true; auto-links: false;">// Create a new record and insert it into the database  TBookRecord book = create.newRecord(T_BOOK);  book.setTitle("My first book");;    // Update it with new values  book.setPublishedIn(2010);;    // Delete it  book.delete();</pre>jOOQ 2.5.0 首次增加对 Firebird 数据库的支持,支持乐观锁,以及新增对 Oracle 很多特性的支持,改进的 API 和新的手册。   <p></p>