开源远程教育平台,BigBlueButton 1.0-beta 发布
BigBlueButton 是一个使用 ActionScript 开发的在线视频会议系统或者是远程教育系统,主要功能包括在线PPT演示、视频交流和语音交流,还可以进行文字交流、举手发言等功能,特别适合用在网上教学,支持中文等多种语音。
Polling – Presenters can now poll students for immediate feedback.
Improved video dock – The video dock now shows the webcams without boarders to give more visibility.
Emoji – Students can now use emoji icons (happy, neutral, sad, confused, and away) to give feedback in addition current raise hand.
Puffin Browser detection – BigBlueButton detects Puffin version 4.6 (or later) and enables the user to broadcast their microphone and webcam within a BigBlueButton session on a mobile device. The Puffin Browser is a mobile web browser supports the latest Flash engine over the cloud for iPad, iPhone and Android.
详细改进和截图请看 1.0-beta overview。
安装请看 1.0-beta install。
开发进度计划请看 development process