远程教育系统,BigBlueButton 0.9.0 RC 发布
BigBlueButton 0.9.0 RC 发布,此版本改善了音频质量。对于 Firefox 和 Chrome 用户来说,通过网络实时协作协议(WebRTC)支持在线发送和接收音频。同时此版本可以设置公共聊天和私人聊天两种模式。
BigBlueButton 是一个使用 ActionScript 开发的在线视频会议系统或者是远程教育系统,主要功能包括在线PPT演示、视频交流和语音交流,还可以进行文字交流、举手发言等功能,特别适合用在网上教学,支持中文等多种语音。
Record and Playback
BigBlueButton can record your lectures for later playback by students.
Whiteboard controls let you annotate and call out key parts of your presentation for viewers.
Desktop Sharing
Go beyond slides. The presenter can broadcast their desktop for all students to see. Works on Mac, Unix and PC.
Integrated VoIP
BigBlueButton voice conferencing supports voice over IP (VOIP) conferencing out-of-the-box. All your students require are speakers and a microphone to participate.
The presenter can upload any PDF presentation or Microsoft office document to present, zoom, pan, and keep students in sync.
Web Cam
Multiple users can share their webcam at the same time. There is no built-in limit on the number of simultaneously active webcams.