Tsuru 0.11.2 发布,开源 PaaS 平台

jopen 10年前

Tsuru 是一个开放源码的 open Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)平台。

Tsuru 可以让你构建自己的 PaaS 服务。Tsuru 采用 go 语言写成,依赖 go 环境和 libxml。

在 Tsuru 的 PaaS 服务下,你可以选择自己的编程语言,选择使用 SQL 或者 NoSQL 数据库,memcache、redis、等等许多服务,甚至与你可以使用 Git 版本控制工具来上传你应用。

Tsuru 0.11.2 发布,该版本包含一些 bug 修复,增加了相关的数据库管理性能改进:

  • Fix of database connection leaks across the entire code base, including a mechanism for automatically detecting new connection leaks. Also preventing new connection leaks by always closing the connection on object’s finalizer.

  • Fix compatibility with Docker 1.6+. Docker 1.6 introduced a new way of limiting container resources (CPU and memory). See issue #1213 for more details.

  • Introduced a new configuration entry, for splitting the main database and the logs database, avoiding issues with global locks in MongoDB. For more details, see the configuration docs.

  • Performance improvements in the log processing: properly ordering the logs and using less indexes to speed up write operations.

  • Add a hard timeout to healthcheck requests, preventing stale of deployments while tsuru waits for the response of the application healthcheck. The current value for this timeout is 1 minute.

下载地址:Source code (zip)