SCaVis 1.1 发布,科学图表库
jopen 12年前
SCaVis 实现了科学计算、数据分析和数据可视化,主要用于科学家、工程师和学生。该程序支持 2D 和 3D 图表、直方图和科学分析图,基于 Matlab/Octave 高级集成语言。
发布说明: The tab key has been fixed in the editor. ScaVis porto (SCaVis for small-screen computers) is fixed. Auto-update can be done for Scavis IDE. java.jar is in lib/jehep The intro windows have been corrected. The help system based on the [F4] key has been fixed. Linear algebra packages have been enhanced with the inclusion of EJML package. Tutorials have been added. Common math is updated to version 3.2 Online jar repositories for the community and pro versions are separate.