
jopen 9年前

High Charts

A useful jquery library highchart for creating interactive charts for your web projects. Top ranked companies are already using on their online projects because it’s also offering very flexible charting API.


fusion charts

The industry most comprehensive javascript charting library works across devices and browsers. Worldwide satisfied customers and mostly web developer’s loves to use nowadays.


jqPlot – jQuery Charts Plugin

An amazing useful plotting charting jquery plugin. jqPlot work perfectly with a javascript framework for creating pie chart, line and bar charts along with many other features.


Attractive JavaScript plotting for jQuery

Javascript library Flot for jquery with easy to use along with interactive features. Flats have bundles of examples for your chart creations. It’s simply creative and catchy for business requirements.





Chart.js offering HTML5 6 chart types as simple and flexible. Chart.js have responsive and interactive charts with modular. These are the best option for web designers and developer to engage visitors.



C3.js are D3 based reusable javascript chart library. Easy to generate 3D based charts by wrapping the code required to build the entire chart. Fully customizable with C3 classes to handle each element while generating jquery chart. C3.js permits deeper integration of charts into your application.终极jQuery的图表和图表库


It’s completely static, simple and also sophisticated jquery charts. Aristochart are line charting library for canvas. Aristochart has an increasing list of creative line chart themes for you to pick and choose from for your design and development projects.



cssCharts jquery plugin to create donut, line and pie chart with dom nodes.


Visualize Data Beautifully With Chart.js Library

Chart.js presenting beautiful and creative collection of charts. Chart.js as free javascript library for create chart on your websites and blog. It will helpful for web designers and developer to save time and enhance productivity. Chart.js builds data by HTML5 canvas element to draw graphs and charts, complete with documentation.


jChartFX Plus

An interactive javascript chart library for data visualization using HTML5 and jquery. jChartFX Plus offers all free features of jChartFX with additional gallery types and business friendly elements along with a capable dashboard for your web and mobile apps.
