Veusz 1.18 发布,Python 科学图表库
jopen 12年前
Veusz 是一个用来绘制各种科学图表的Python程序库,可导出为 Postscript 和 PDF 文档。包含一个易用的图形化界面,同时也有一些命令行接口以便直接在 Python 程序中调用。
- X-Y plots (with errorbars)
- Images (with colour mappings)
- Contour plots (filled/unfilled)
- Stepped plots (for histograms)
- Bar graphs
- Line plots
- Function plots
- Stacked plots and arrays of plots
- Vector field plots
- Plot keys
- Plot labels
- Box plots
- Polar plots
- Ternary plots
- Shapes and arrows on plots
- LaTeX-like formatting for text
- EPS / PNG / PDF / SVG / EMF output
- Simple, CSV, Numpy NPY/NPZ, binary and FITS data importing
- Scripting interface
- Dataset manipulation
- Embed Veusz within other programs
- Capture data from external sources
- Plugin interface for importing data, making datasets or modifying documents
- Data picker
- Multithreaded rendering
* Add support for dataset expressions when plotting * Add axis-function widget for plotting axes which have a scale given by a function, or are linked to a different axis via a function * Add stepped colour maps * Support editing multiple datasets simultaneously in editor * Add setting to fix aspect-ratio of graphs * Add 'vcentre' line step mode for vertical step plots * Add internal margin setting for grids to separate sub-plots * Add pixel, pixel_wcs, fraction and linear_wcs FITS import coordinate system modes * Add drop down toolbar button menu to create axis widgets * More efficient widget dependency resolution