20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件

jopen 10年前

20 Best jQuery Rating Plugins 你可以在你的网站上轻松地集成它们,并能为您的访客提供视觉上惊人的最终用户体验。

1. jRating

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
jRating is a very flexible jQuery plugin for quickly creating an Ajaxed star rating system. It is possible to configure every details from “the number of the stars” to “if the stars can represent decimals or not”. There is also an option to display small or big stars and images can be changed with any other file easily. Although jRating can be used with any scripting language, a PHP file that handles the requests is already included in the download package on github.

2. jRate

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
This jquery plugin helps to generate SVG based RATING with various fancy features. Download and include this plugin in your html file.

3. Bootstrap Rating

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
Bootstrap Rating is a jQuery plugin that creates a rating control that uses Bootstrap glyphicons for rating symbols.

4. Starrr

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
Starrr is lightweight jquery plugin that gives you 1-5 start rating on single click, it is easy to use and can easily integrate in your web application.

5. jQuery Rating Plugins

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
rating.jquery is a jQuery plugin which turns a input into a fully featured rating element. It enables you to easily allow your users to rate anything with only one line of Javascript. It integrates with HTML5 validation and displays an elegant configurable message. It also uses FontAwesome which enables you to use any of the 439 icons for your widget!

6. Bootstrap Star Rating

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
A simple yet powerful JQuery star rating plugin for Bootstrap which supports advanced features like fractional star fill and RTL input support. Developed with a focus on utilizing pure CSS-3 styling to render the control. The plugin uses Bootstrap markup and styling by default, but it can be overridden with any other CSS markup.

7. jStarbox

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
It is quite small, does not produce massive amounts of inline styles and is mostly compatible with existing css for the Prototype Starbox.

8. Fyneworks jQuery Star Rating

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
The Star Rating Plugin is a plugin for the jQuery Javascript library that creates a non-obstrusive star rating control.

9. Bootstrap Rating Input

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
Another plugin that eases the generation of rating stars for jQuery and Bootstrap and its lightweight only 2kb.

10. Star Rating

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
You can reveal pretty rating stars by this plugin. This plugin working fast because there is no user options. Just include and call it. If you would like store votes in a database then you must use callback method. Keep in mind its only beta version.

11. RateThis.js

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
rateThis is a jquery plugin that allows you to easy create rating functionality for your form.

12. Rateit

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
Rateit is a fast, progressive enhancement, touch support, customizable rating plugin which is only 2.18 kb when zipped.

13. jQuery Bar Rating Plugin

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
jQuery Bar Rating Plugin works by transforming a standard select box into a rating widget. It’s only 4kb minified and easy to style with CSS.

14. jQuery. WebRating

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
It has myriad of features such as use starts, hearts smiles, css based coloring, customized toop tip option, callback functions on click and hover, use cookies to limit clicks per visitor and many more.

15. jSimple Star Rating

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
jQuery plugin to generate a simple star rating element. Hover, Active, Select, Deselect, Minus. Selected rating stored as data-attribute, server readable if required.

16. Ratemate

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
Ratemate is a jQuery plugin for ratings. It uses Raphael to draw the symbols, rating is read-only when used on a meter element, using ratemate on an input element whose type is number or range will cause the rating to be controlled by user.

17. jQuery Upvote

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
jQuery Upvote generates a voting widget like the one used on Stack Exchange sites.

18. Rating

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
Rating is a super simple jQuery plugin that quickly and easily lets you add a star rating input filed, it’s quick and super simple to use.

19. jQuery UI Rating

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
A jQuery plugin that converts HTML5 elements into an interactive rating mechanism. Fully customizable via CSS. Degrades gracefully to regular HTML elements.

20. Rating Plugin for web2py

20个最好的 jQuery 投票/评分插件
It uses jQuery rating plugin.I took an existing plugin available for web2py and added error fixes, more than one rating widget on a page and more.