
jopen 12年前

1. jQuery URL Shortener

As the name clearly indicated this jQuery plugin helps in shortening URLs using Google URL shortener API.


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2. Bootstrap Tokenfield

Bootstrap Tokenfield is an advanced tagging/tokenizing plugin for input fields with a focus on keyboard and copy-paste support.


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3. Retinize

Retinize is a jQuery plugin that upscales images to look correctly on retina screens and is particularly useful for pixel art when you don’t want to store an upscaled version.

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4. jQuery Scrollbox

Its a simple and lightweight jQuery plugin that lets users scroll a list like carousel or traditional marquee.

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5. jQuery Scanner Detection

Its a small plugin that helps keeps the track of when the scanner viz barcode, QR Code are being used.


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6. jQuery finderSelect

This jQuery Plugin activates file explorer type selecting to all elements supports Ctrl+Click, Command+Click, Ctrl+Drag, Command+Drag and Shift+Click.

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7. Yet Another DataTables Column Filter (Yadcf)

Yadcf is a jQuery plug-in enables the user to easily add filter components to table columns and works on top of the DataTables jQuery plug-in.


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8. jQuery noInput

Its a jQuery plugin for displaying inline labels similar to HTML 5′s placeholders that enables you to style the placeholder text.


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9. HeapBox

As a webdesigner or a webdeveloper you know how hard it is to deal with native HTML forms look or functionality. Heapbox is a jQuery powered by jQuery that helps write JavaScript.


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Quail is a plugin that focuses on checking content against accessibility guidelines.


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 With this we come to an end of this weeks list keeping you all anticipating as to how many cool jQuery plugins we will come up with next week.