GraphUp – jQuery Plugin
GraphUp is a very flexible and lightweight jQuery (v1.4+) plugin to spice up your data tables. It visualizes the values using color, bar charts and bubbles.
3D Pie Chart with JavaScript
You can change position, width, height, radius X and Y, and depth of the pie
You can change the optional legends attributes
You can change the optional tooltip background and text-size
You can change the titles
You can add more items
JsGauges is a JavaScript software that allows you to show two types of analog gauges on your web- page. That could be classical round gauges like a speedometer or linear like an ordinary thermometer. Gauges are fully configurable, so you can easily create your own design by changing CSS -like settings. The plugin uses JSON parser library and RaphaelJS.
Google Chart Scroller/Zoomer
Create your own Google Chart and this jQuery plugin will transform it into a zoomable scrollable chart jQuery interactive charts. It creates a smaller chart that is not zoomed-in below. Then, using your mouse, you can zoom in and scroll across the x axis.
Points Calculator
Use this simple calculator to display points and rewards. Users see how quickly their points can add up and get rewards.
A jquery plugin to make a slider bar quickly! It turn any block element into a slider bar which user can move the pointer to select a value! It supports theming with only one image without any extra css! Using is very simple, just import file and apply plugin and you have your bar to select value! Simple markup, no extra css!
HTML 5 / SVG Dynamic Charts
Display live data on your site with the new HTML 5 / SVG Google Charts API. We have made it super easy for you to add modern, cutting edge charts to your website, blogs, CMS, mobile, etc in minutes.
Quick Quiz
Quick Quiz is a dynamic quiz that does not require great technical skills. It’s the perfect solution for web developers who want to add a quiz to their site without going through the form building process and graphics. Instead, go straight to the ASP /PHP coding and be done with it!
Now you have a versatile quiz generator that you can easily place anywhere in your websites with style. Also, with the AJAX calls the linking between Quick Quiz and your ASP /PHP becomes incredibly simple!
SVG -based Gauges for JavaScript
A library of 10 gauges includes horizontal, vertical, and radial gauges created in good-looking unified style. Every gauge is presented in JSON format making it easy to modify its settings and integrate a gauge into a web page with just basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript.
SVG -based Gauges for JavaScript is a set of 10 gauges which can be added to virtually any web application: ASP , ASP.NET, PHP , JSP, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails, and simple HTML pages.
Dynamic Horizontal Chart with Javascript
You can create any size, any color, any much of charts charts dynamically and easily. -NO require knowledge in JavaScript . -NO css file included. -NO images. -Easy Usage. -Automatic Y axsiss. It creates itself according to max item value. -You can set link with items. -You can set nameHolder area’s width percent. -You can change colors, styles, size of charts. In netbeuz.js file. -Compatibility for all browsers. (expect border-radius in IE7 /IE8)
Gauge Meter
An animated gauge meter in canvas. Customisable by: -Min / Max Value -Animation (duration, eazing, refreshrate) -Flippable colours
Image Poll
Create your image poll(s) and add your site(s) easily.
JavaScript Gauges in Metro Style
JavaScript Gauges in Metro Style is a set of 8 gauges created in the modern Windows8 or Metro style which can be added to virtually any web application: ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, JSP, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails, and simple HTML pages.
Script was created to render isometric charts using SVG or VML vector graphics. isoChart dynamically renders pseudo 3D image with interactive nodes. Script architecture allows you to register your own event handlers and callback functions. isoChart is a cross-browser solution that works with all modern browsers and Internet Explorer. Script uses two popular and reliable JavaScript libraries: jQuery and RaphaelJS.
JGraphUI – Flowchart and Diagram Editor
JGraphUI is a rich feature and highly customizable yet easy to use diagram tool and flowcharts, you can create, manipulate and save flowcharts and other types of diagrams.
Bemo Editor – Rich Text Editor with Charts
Bemo Editor is a “Rich Text Editor” with Charts insertion ability. You can insert column, pie or lines charts. It has 20 formatting options, the ability to add more fonts and the ability to modify the HTML code of the text formatting.
jQuery Responsive Google Charts Plugin
You can easily set up nice, SVG, responsive charts on your websites by setting a few HTML data- properties. Here’s all the HTML you need to set up one of six charts.
Its now easier than ever to use Google charts in your website. No javascript knowledge or jQuery knowledge is required.
HTML5 (JavaScript) Gauges Library
HTML5 (JavaScript) Gauges Library includes horizontal, vertical, and radial gauges created in visually-appealing unified style. Every gauge is presented in JSON format making it easy to modify its settings and integrate a gauge into a web page with just basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript.
3D Bar Chart with JavaScript
Cool 3D Bar Chart developed in JavaScript/SVG/VML.
You dont requiere knowledge in JavaScript or SVG /VML.