
jopen 11年前

1. jQuery validVal

validVal by Fred Heusschen is an extremely customizable plugin that feature rich jQuery form validator plugin embracing the power of HTML5.


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 2. jQuery Image Gallery

Developed by Sebastian Tschan, jQuery Image Gallery featuring swipe, mouse and keyboard navigation, transition effects and on-demand content loading and can be extended to display additional content types does lot more than expected. It displays images with the touch-enabled, responsive and customizable blueimp Gallery carousel in the dialog component of jQuery UI.


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3. jQuery Skinswitcher

Skinswitcher by Cas Leentfaar is a plugin that makes the switching of skins on any website easy for the user which means no professional skills are required for skin switching of the website with this cool plugin.


4. jQuery mmenu

Developed by Fred Heusschen, mmenu is a jQuery plugin with fully responsive CSS framework generated with SCSS. This plugin that comes loaded with cool features helps create slick app look-alike sliding menus for mobile websites.


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5. jquery-chaos-bgfixer

Developed by Matthew Sigley, Chaos bgfixer is a jQuery plugin makes sure that the size of HTML elements are set in a way that CSS backgrounds are never incompletely rendered.


6. jQuery Free The Cookies

Free The Cookies by Bernat Arlandis is a simple jQuery plugin to handle getting user consent for using cookies. It is a highly customizable plugin that puts a banner thereby warning user about the use of cookies in their website. Moreover, it asks for explicit or implicit consent from the user without offering the option to reject cookies which makes it useful when disabling cookies.


7. noty

Noty is a jquery notification plugin by Nedim Arabacu. It makes easy to create alert – success – error – warning – information – confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog. As you can see in the image below, each notification is added to a queue.


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8. jQuery dotdotdot

Developed by Fred Heusschen dotdotdot is a jQuery plugin for advanced cross-browser ellipsis on multiple line content. It turns the monotonous overflowing  content into a beautiful pice of content.


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9. jQuery Tancolor

Developed by Nicholas Tan Jerome, Tancolor jQuery plugin processes image using filter algorithm. As of now, it processes image into grayscale, bluescale, greenscale, redscale but more is expected to be added soon. This cool plugin doesn’t limit it’s user to the standard feature instead it offers flexibility to create own set of color be it red orange, purple blue, cyan or whatever.


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10. jQuery HideSeek

With the features like search in text or title/alt attribute, highlight, custom events, custom messages and much more, HideSeek is a simple yet customizable live search plugin developed by Dimitris Krestos.


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11. FilthyPillow

FilthyPillow by Adrian Fraiha is a fancy and small calendar and date-time picker worth downloading.


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12. jQuery Slugify

Developed by madflow, Slugify is one jQuery plugin that serves as the cool optional pick for url slug creation.


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