[5月17 – 23日]这周最好的jQuery插件集合
1. ohSnap
ohSnap is a simple jQuery/Zepto notification library that is designed to be used in mobile apps to remove notifications.
2. Smoke
Smoke is open source complete jQuery plugin that is designed for use with Bootstrap 3.
3. Slideout.js
Slideout is a plugin for touch slideout navigation menu on mobile web apps. Dependency-free, simple markup, native scrolling., easy customization, CSS transforming aare some of its cool features that make it the best pick.
4. ReadRemaining
ReadRemaining is a clever jQuery plugin that lets your users know how long they’ll need to get through all of your text.
5. jQuery.mousetip
Mousetip is a lightweight jQuery extension that helps in creating cursor tooltips to follow mouse movement and position.
6. ScrollMenu
ScrollMenu is a new interface to replace your old usual scrollbar.
7. Scrollport-js
Scrollport causes scrolling go where told. Its a plugin that lets you get rid of the old boring way of scrolling.