
jopen 11年前

1. jQuery Tippy

Tippy is a jQuery plugin that makes it very easy for the users to create simple, flexible and powerful tooltips for website using jQuery. Tippy is highly customizable with default options carefully configured to make it easy for anyone to get started.


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2. jQuery Color Picker Sliders

It is an advanced color selector with support for human perceived lightness. It works in all modern browsers and on touch devices and it’s responsive. This color picker sliders works internally in the CIE Lab color space represented with the CIE Lch color model.


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3. SKDZoom – Stylish image zoomer

SKDZoom is a jQuery stylish CSS3 image zoomer with rounded box and Lens zoom support. Easily customizable color and other options.


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4. jquery tags plugin

This is a jquery plugin that promises to help developers visualize their tags in a neat UI that too with just a single line of code.


5. Simple HTML5 Music Player

Simple HTML5 music Player as it indicates is dedicated to music lovers. Its a skin-able HTML5 Audio player offering a custom design alternative to the generic browser rendered player. It requires jQuery 1.8+ for proper functioning.



6. jQuery Dashboard Portal

jQuery plugin for Dashboard with layout enables users to add forms, presentation, an manage projects depending upon the need.


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7. Image Scale

Inspired from Sproutcore SC.ImageView, the image scale jQuery plugin lets you scale images to fit or fill any target container via two simple properties viz scale and align.



8. Code Callout

Code Callout allows you to create links in your webpages thereby enabling you to highlight and comment on a Gist embedded in the page. When the user clicks the link, the page scrolls to the indicated lines, highlights them and pops up a note. Also you need not start reading all over again you can easily start from where you left by simply clicking the button.


9. Flapper

Flapper is a jQuery plugin that replicates the split-flap well known as Solari displays that are common in train stations and airports. Flapper jQuery plugin can help display words or numbers, with or without formatting them. Available in six sizes, two color themes, and two animation styles Flapper is written entirely in HTML and CSS to let the users make it appear as they desire.


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10.Mikes Modal Library

Mike Modal Library is for creating a 非死book like modal box to be used. It features an image on the left and content on the right. The image scales to the largest size possible while still fitting in your monitors resolution.


11. Ideal Postcodes jQuery Plugin

The Ideal Postcodes jQuery plugin lets you quickly add postcode lookups on a form using Royal Mails Postcode Address File. If the user wishes to look for a valid postcode, a dropdown menu is displayed and the selected address is piped into appropriate fields.


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12. jQuery List Selection

This jQuery is for file managing style rich selection for lists of elements.


13. jQuery Reactify

Make browser click events trigger immediately on iOS and Android with the jQuery Reactify. Clone the repository, place jquery.reactify.js to your project’s JavaScript folder, add to your HTML and add a script that enables reactify with jQuery.


14. FailSafe

Its a jQuery Plugin that makes your App Robust. Also, it protects your App from lost Internet connectivity and low battery level. When a user loses Internet connectivity or the system charge goes down, this plugin shows a very user-friendly message to the user.

 Download Demo

With the anticipation to come up with lot more useful jQuery plugins for you all here we come to the end of this weeks’ listicle. Which one of these fit your need and deserves to be downloaded? Do let us know.