1. jQuery Searcher Plugin
Developed by Lukas Beranek, Searcher plugin helps connect list-like data with an input for searching.
2. SlipHover
SlipHover by Wayou is a plugin which lets users apply direction aware 2D/3D hover effect to images that can be used in different projects.
3. EqualHeight.js
EqualHeights by Joren Van Hee is a jQuery plugin that helps in setting the height of each element in a group to the height of the highest element. Being responsive, it keeps working whilst you resize your window.
4. jqExpire
Developed by Aalaap Ghag jqExpire is a jQuery plugin that automatically hide page elements after an ‘expiry’ date and/or time. It is an ideal plugin for pages which have upcoming/ongoing event notices or cut-off times for forms.
5. jQuery Tocible
Developed by Mark Serbol Tocible is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps in creating table of contents navigation menu.
6. jQuery minTable
Developed by Aygul Ilimbaev minTable is a jQuery plugin that enables users to minimize a long table down to integer row number.
7. jQuery Slight Submenu
Slight Submenu by Velidar Petrov is a jQuery plugin that helps in automating nested menu management like expanding and collapsing with high configurability and flexibility.
8. jQuery Inline CSS Styler
Developed by Karl Payne, Inline CSS Styler jQuery plugin helps users in converting CSS styles into inline styles.
9. jQuery ViewMachine
Developed by Sam Morrow, ViewMachine is a jQuery plugin for templating dynamic websites in Javascript exclusively.
10. jQuery Listarea
Developed by Omar Wheatley, Listarea is a jQuery plugin that is created for turning a textarea into a structured list of items.
11. jQuery Valign Plugin
Valgin jQuery plugin allows users to simply align vertically any HTML element without CSS hacks. It simply adds a margin-top to the absolute positioned layer which is to be aligned vertically depending on his parent’s height.
12. jQuery EasyTree
Developed by Matthew Rand, EasyTree is a free jQuery plugin that helps in creating tree menus easily.
13. jQueryUI easy TimePicker
Developed by Aaldert van Weelden UI easy TImePicker is a jQuery plugin that helps in picking a time period in predefined formats.
14. Simple slider with effect of blinds
Developed by Cedric Che-Azeh Ngwa, bvslide is a simple jQuery slider that has blind effects. Accepting parameters like display of dots or numbers, delay between slides, it does its job quite efficiently.
15. Radiant Scroller
Developed by Ilya Bodrov Radiant Scroller is a jQuery plugin that enables users to create responsive scrollers with grid and simple horizontal layouts. It can be easily customized with variety of options and some API methods for your convenience.
16. CSS Animate Auto
Developed by David Clark CSS Animate Auto is a jQuery plugin that using CSS transitions to animate an element’s height or width to auto does its job proficiently.
17. jquery.formyeah
Developed by Artem Polikarpov formyeah is a jQuery plugin that helps in keeping user input. It automatically restores values in fields when page reloads.
18. jQuery countdownTimer
Developed by Harshen Pandey countdownTimer is a reverse count down jQuery plugin created for displaying countdown as per need. Besides displaying the countdown, it displays current time too.
19. Tabber
Developed by Ben Plum, Tabber is a jQuery plugin that lets you add simple tabbed interfaces.
20. jQuery Autotab
Developed by Mathachew Autotab jQuery plugin provides auto tabbing and filtering option on text fields in a form making it easy for the users.
21. On-Off Toggle Switches
Developed by Timmy Willison, On-Off Toggle provides an interactive and accessible toggle switches for the web.
22. jQuery Imagefit
Developed by Periplo, Imagefit is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that helps users make images fit anywhere and anyway as per the choice.