
jopen 11年前

1. jQuery GridManager

jQuery GridManager by Tom King is a way of building rows and grids with built in editable regions. It requires jQuery, jQueryUI, Bootstrap 3.x, TinyMCE for doing the needful.


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2. Slick

Slick is a fully responsive jQuery carousel plugin that supports many useful options and touch swiping. It is coded by kenwheeler.


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3.Word Reveal

Developed by Matthew Johnson, World Reveal is jQuery plugin that displays one word at a time for each click.


4. Scroll Fade

Developed by Greg Bate, Scroll Fade is an auto-hiding customizable lightweight overlaying scrollbar that fades out when not in use.


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5. MixItUp 2

This is a powerful jQuery sorting plugin for managing categorised or ordered content viz portfolios, galleries and blogs. Version 2of MixItUp is lighter, faster and much more powerful than the previous one.


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6. jQuery Tip Cards

Created by Pete. R, jQuery Tip Cards is a plugin that you create card layout making it easier for users to flip through it like you see on Google Tips.


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7. Adaptive Background

Released by Briangonzalez, Adaptive Background is a jQuery plugin that is developed with the aim to help users extract dominant colours from images and applying it to its parent.


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8. jQuery.payment

jQuery payment is a plugin developed by Stripe. Its a general purpose library to let users building credit card forms, validating inputs and formatting numbers.


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9. fullPage

fullPage.js is a jQuery plugin that helps create fullscreen scrolling websites. With it pages can be made with both horizontal and vertical scrolling and it even works on mobile devices.


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10. jBar Plugin

jBar is a simple and lightweight jQuery notification bar that serves up many easy customisable options. The plugin  allows you to create a simple call to action and bring it forward for the user to see at the top of the website. 


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 11. Bootstrap-growl

bootstrap-growl is a simple jQuery plugin that turns standard Bootstrap alerts into hovering “Growl-like” notifications.


12. jQuery.mobilePhoneNumber

From Stripe here comes another cool plugin named mobilePhoneNumber.  Its a general purpose library to let users validate and format mobile phone numbers easily.


Demo | Download

That’s all for now, stay tuned for more cool plugins which we will be listing down in our next Saturday’s article. Also, let us know of any such plugin you think would be of help for designers and developers.