
jopen 11年前

Best jQuery Plugins of the Week

1. jQuery on Change or Delayed Key Event Listener

Developed by Matt Snider, this is a useful jQuery plugin that adds two event listeners to an element.  It helps in subscribing to change and a delayed key event on an element.


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2. Time

Developed by Edmund Gentle, Time plugin enables user to display the time since an event. PHP formats the dates on the backend to let jQuery update the times within the browser.


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3. Cytoscape.js Panzoom Widget

Developed by Max Franz, Cytoscape.js Panzoom Widget allows users to pan and zoom in a Cytoscape.js graph easily.


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4. Voila

Developed by Nick Stakenburg, Voila is a jQuery plugin that provides callbacks for images, enabling you to know when images have loaded.


5. jQuery Scroll Up Menu

Developed by David Simpson, Scroll Up Menu is a simple mobile optimized menu system that becomes invisible when you are not using it.


6. Parallax ImageScroll

Developed by Peder Andreas Nielsen Parallax ImageScroll is a simple and easy to use jQuery plugin that lets users create image parallax effects when scrolling the page. 


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7. jQuery Email Autocomplete

Developed by Low Yong Zhen, Email Autocomplete is a jQuery plugin that suggests and autocompletes the domain in email fields.


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8. BlockScroll for presentations

Developed by Dominik Gorecki, BlockScroll is a best jQuery plugin that breaks down information into blocks and presents them one screen at a time. It lets you break up your page into chunks for better presentation and user-flow. All in all, this plugin makes your page responsive.


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9. Full Page Image slideshow

Developed by Dynamic Drive, Full Page Image slideshow is a super-sized slideshow that automatically expands to fill up the space to for the perfect visual treat.


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10. Content flows up as you scroll down

Content flows up as you scroll by Dominik Gorecki is a jQuery plugin as the name says gives you the content flow up effect as you scroll down. Don’t get mistaken for thinking it to be using infinite scroll.


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11. jQuery Respify

Respify by Matthisk Heimensen is a simple responsive image library that parses a image from a set of child span nodes with data-media and data-src attributes. It does its work making optimum use of media queries to select images.


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12. Slidebars

Slidebars by Adam Smith, is a jQuery plugin  quickly and easily implementing mobile app-style revealing menus and sidebars into your website.


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13. 3D Drop In Notifier Panel

Developed by Dynamic Drive, 3D Notifier gently scrolls the page to the top before revealing the panel in a 3D fashion.


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14. nanoGALLERY

One of our readers Christophe Brisbois has developed touch enabled, responsive, fast plugin for implementing image gallery and named it nanoGALLERY. The plugin features multi-level navigation in albums, lightbox, hover effects on thumbnails, slideshow, fullscreen, pagination, image lazy load, themes, bootstrap compatibility and the list goes on.


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