文本编辑器 ne (Nice Editor) 2.3 发布

fmms 13年前
     <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958198701907654155" target="_blank">ne (Nice Editor)</a> 是一个可以运行在任何 Unix/Linux 系统的文本编辑器,使用简单、配置容易,而且占用系统资源少。</p>    <p><img title="文本编辑器 ne (Nice Editor) 2.3 发布" border="0" alt="文本编辑器 ne (Nice Editor) 2.3 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/a0071942df36039c138a4157019bef37.png" width="480" height="351" /><br /> 以下是它的一些功能特性:</p>    <ul>     <li>three user interfaces: control keystrokes, command line, and menus; keystrokes and menus are completely configurable; </li>     <li>syntax highlighting; </li>     <li>full support for UTF-8 files, including multiple-column characters; </li>     <li>the number of documents and clips, the dimensions of the display, and the file/line lengths are limited only by the integer size of the machine; </li>     <li>simple scripting language where scripts can be generated <i>via</i> an idiotproof record/play method; </li>     <li>unlimited undo/redo capability (can be disabled with a command); </li>     <li>automatic preferences system based on the extension of the file name being edited; </li>     <li>automatic completion of prefixes using words in your documents as dictionary; </li>     <li>a file requester with completion features for easy file retrieval; </li>     <li>extended regular expression search and replace a la <samp>emacs</samp> and <samp>vi</samp>; </li>     <li>a very compact memory model—you can easily load and modify very large files; </li>     <li>editing of binary files.<br /> </li>    </ul>    <p><br /> 简单的文本编辑器 NE 发布了 2.3 版本,这是一个补丁修复版本,可绑定任意键盘码序列。</p>