文本编辑器 Scratch
fmms 13年前
<p>Scratch是elementary项目开发的文本编辑器,如果你使用的elementary OS 就没有必要再安装了。Scratch使用 Vala 和 Gtk+3 编写,和Gedit一样是一款很简洁,但是加入了一些有好的功能。<img title="64.png" border="0" alt="64.png" align="right" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/c6e8ea1019bb217305fa56b20d5ce6c9.png" width="64" height="64" /></p> <div class="summary"> Scratch is a text editor written in Vala and Gtk+ 3 for the Pantheon desktop by elementary </div> <div class="description"> <p>Its features are:</p> <p> * syntax highlighting with gtksourceview-3<br /> * a SearchBar to search the words in the files<br /> * strong integration with Granite framework by elementary-team<br /> * tab and split documents system<br /> * a lot of others</p> </div> <a href="https://simg.open-open.com/show/023dfe29e4681c584264ef51dad12d97.jpg"><img title="文本编辑器 Scratch" border="0" alt="文本编辑器 Scratch" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/a5c27f67395df1c9368680400c5e6990.jpg" width="608" height="601" /><br /> <br /> </a>项目地址: <a href="https://simg.open-open.com/show/023dfe29e4681c584264ef51dad12d97.jpg">https://launchpad.net/scratch/<br /> </a>