20个强大的 jQuery 插件2015年8月

jopen 10年前

1. ProductColorizer jQuery Plugin

product colorizer
ProductColorizer is a light-weight solution for users to quickly preview a product in different colors. The plugin uses only two images per product to create the effect and it is built on top of the robust and popular Javascript framework jQuery, providing you with an easy setup.

2. Stacky

jquery stacky
Stacky is a jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to open panels horizontally, as you need them. Panels can be opened and closed, and also expanded and collapsed. It can be opened either next to a given panel or a the end, in regular mode (pushed next to a panel) or in floating mode (absolute position). Additionally, the open and close events can optionally call functions to, for instance, set or retrieve data to/from panels.

3. StickySort

StickySort is a jQuery plugin for adding sticky headers and columns to your tables, complete with an extended sorting function.

4. Woco Accordion

Woco Accordion
Woco Accordion is a simple, user-friendly and lightweight jQuery accordion plugin with smooth animations powered by CSS3 transitions.

5. inputTags.js

inputTags.js is a simple jQuery plugin allowing to add, edit or remove tags in a tags list.

6. ImageStax

ImageStax is a jQuery plugin to create stack/pile/scatter photos or images and shuffle on rotate.

7. Watermark

Watermark is a jQuery plugin to add watermark on images use HTML5 and Javascript.

8. Tapatar

Tapatar is a lightweight, extensible jQuery plugin, that lets users pick an avatar from a social network, disk, or other source. By default, Gravatar, Local and 非死book sources are included. Tapatar has been built to make it very easy to add additional sources.

9. addUI Store

addUI Store is an easy to use jQuery plugin that adds a fully featured store to any website in minutes. The store plugin is written in pure JavaScript (jQuery). PHP is used to secure the store (validate the items’ costs / cart’s total) and securely process payments.

10. Zenith

Zenith is responsive slider jQuery plugin that has 4 basic layouts + 4-th layout has dozen variations of it’s own, giving 3 additional sub-layouts. Zenith also comes with 7 transition animation and unlimited possibilities of styling and creating your own variations. You can edit some HTML, and add that markup by passing it’s elements classes or id’s to the options when initializing zenith.

11. jQuery cForm

jquery cform
jQuery cForm replaces your standard, ugly form-elements with nice and clean non-form html code which can be styled via CSS. The original elements are retained, so you won’t lose any form-element related functionality. You can add custom HTML templates for all supported form elements and use CSS to style them. Or you just use the default templates and style them with the included CSS or SCSS file.

12. ggpopover.js

ggpopover.js is a simple jQuery popover plugin extended fromBootstrap’s popover plugin that supports 4 positions, title background color, title font color, title border color, content background color, content text color, arrow color without using images.

13. Shorten

Shorten is a jQuery plugin to automatically shorten text in a DIV and add “show more” link.

14. jQuery.filthypillow

jquery.filthypillow by aef
jQuery.filthypillow is a jQuery plugin to create fancy and small calendar and date-time picker.

15. Zoom Slider

Zoom Slider is a simple content slider with depth-like zoom functionality. Each slide has a predefined zoom area that will be used to calculate the appropriate scale value for a fullscreen fill. Once the icon for zooming is clicked, the zoom area as well as the page gets scaled, creating the illusion that the viewer is approaching the item.

16. Letter by Letter JS

Letter by Letter JS Basic Example
Letter by Letter JS is a lightweight jQuery plugin to present text letter by letter on a HTML page. This text can appear as if was just being typed, or it can fade in more gently.

17. Select Multiple

select multiple
Select Multiple is an user-friendly drop-in replacement for the standard select with multiple attribute activated.

18. Simple Lightbox

simple lightbox
Simple Lightbox is a touch-friendly image lightbox for mobile and desktop with jQuery.

19. Bootstrap Dropselect

bootstrap dropselect
Bootstrap Dropselect is a simple jQuery plugin that extends bootstrap’s dropdown menu into something like github’s select menu.

20. LoadGo

LoadGo is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create a progress bar by using your own images.