Features (currently available)
- Design
- Built using C++11 and modern design principles
- Clean layered design
- Fully documented
- Modular & plugin based
- Multiplatform ready
- Renderer
- DX9, DX11 and OpenGL 4.3 render systems
- Multi-threaded rendering
- Flexible material system
- Easy to control and set up
- Shader parsing for HLSL9, HLSL11 and GLSL </ul> </li> </ul> </li>
- Asset pipeline
- Easy to use
- Asynchronous resource loading
- Extensible importer system
- Available importer plugins for:
- FXB,OBJ, DAE meshes
- PNG, PSD, BMP, JPG, ... images
- OTF, TTF fonts
- HLSL9, HLSL11, GLSL shaders </ul> </li> </ul> </li>
- Powerful GUI system
- Unicode text rendering and input
- Easy to use layout based system
- Many common GUI controls
- Fully skinnable
- Automatch batching
- Support for texture atlases
- Localization </ul> </li>
- Other
- CPU & GPU profiler
- Virtual input
- Advanced RTTI system
- Automatic object serialization/deserialization
- Debug drawing
- Utility library
- Math, file system, events, thread pool, task scheduler, logging, memory allocators and more </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul>
- C# scripting support (in development, coming soon)
- Multi-purpose and extensible editor (in development, coming soon)
- High quality renderer
- Physics system integration
- Audio system integration
- Video system integration
- Networking system integration
- Animation
- GUI animation
Features (upcoming)