Android Project打包成一个APK(你的项目如何引用其他项目)。 如何把多个android project 打包成一个apk呢,其实原理是这样的,一个主project引用其他的proj
eclipse、exe4j(网上有软件和帐号下载) 第一步,将java项目打包成可执行jar文件,首先看一下我的java project结构,Main.java是程序入口类,里面有main函数,config目录是些配置文件,lib是用到的第三方类库
Android 大升级,Google 都习惯性地发布一个“Project”,以彰显对 Android 某一问题的改进力度。比如 Jelly Bean 的“Project Butter”(黄油计划)让 Android
C3P0是一个开放源代码的JDBC连接池,它在lib目录中与Hibernate一起发布,包括了实现jdbc3和jdbc2扩展规范说明的 Connection 和Statement 池的DataSources 对象。
availability of the initial public beta of Skolelinux 7.1, a distribution also known as "Debian Edu": " The
移动端iOS、Android的摄像头和麦克风。 iOS、Android主要是系统提供的API实现。 webRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) webRTC是一个支持网页浏览器进行实时语
开发了一个工具,我很高兴可以去看看这个 “EulerKit ”,它提供了一些辅助方法可以协助你解决 Project Euler problems 。我已经完成了前两个,但是之后会变得越来越难。 加入学习小组:(1)
initial alpha build of Skolelinux (a project also known as "Debian-Edu"), a distribution designed for schools
用POJO实现0配置的WebService Axis2是一套崭新的WebService引擎,该版本是对Axis1.x重新设计的产物。Axis2不仅支持SOAP1.1和SOAP1.2,还集成了非常流行的REST
steady and our venerable release manager has made a first milestone available. No development schedule
build a Java backend for an app with a fun subject matter. The RESTful backend is essentially a Java web
FancyBackground FancyBackground is a tiny Android library designed to animate a set of resource Drawables. It
factions: Athenians, Macedonians and Spartans Healing: a priest can now heal units New models/artwork: Roman
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com/lyle-nel/siga siga(simple genetic algorithm) This is a small experiment that focuses on leveraging population-based
利用jQuery创建一个Twitter风格的下拉登录表单。 MagicDTree是 JQuery 著名树形插件Dynatree的包装类,增加右键菜单,添加、删除、更新接口。 基本示例
Hibernate Annotator能够让你利用Java 5注释(annotations)来生成Hibernate mapping xml文件.它可作为那些原来使用xdoclet但要移植到Java5的一个替代品或作为Hibernate Annotations项目之外的另一个可选项目.
This book offers Python programmers one place to look when they need help remembering or deciphering the syntax of this open source language and its many powerful but scantily documented modules. This comprehensive reference guide makes it easy to look up the most frequently needed information--not just about the Python language itself, but also the most frequently used parts of the standard library and the most important third-party extensions.