Skolelinux 7.1 Beta 0 发布

jopen 12年前

Skolelinux是Debian-edu项目开发中的Custom Debian Distribution(CDD)。它的目标是为中学和大学提供一份超平常的本地化环境。伴随所谓的超平常环境而来的是75个面向学校的应用程序,以及为学校环境而预先定制好的15个网络服务。它提供一套简单的、三个询问式的安装过程,并且这只需要最低限度的技术知识。Skolelinux仍然是Debian,这意味着,如同Debian一样,Skolelinux不需要花费许可证费用或类似的担心,并且软件的升级和维护可以依靠Debian的apt-get的力量,通过Internet来完成。Skolelinux的核心目标是本地化,以及系统管理的易用性。
Skolelinux 7.1 Beta 0 发布
Petter Reinholdtsen has announced the availability of the initial public beta of Skolelinux 7.1, a distribution also known as "Debian Edu":

" The first "Wheezy"-based beta release of Debian Edu was wrapped up today. Debian Edu, also known as Skolelinux, is a Linux distribution based on Debian providing an out-of-the box environment of a completely configured school network. Software updates: switched roaming workstation profiles from wicd to NetworkManager for network configuration, as wicd didn't work any more; changed version numbers of patched gosa and libpam-mklocaluser packages to make sure our locally-patched versions will be replaced by the official packages when they are released from Debian; added Bluetooth tools to the default desktop; added tools for sharing the desktop on KDE; added Valgrind to the default installation for easier debugging of crash bugs....</span>"

Read the rest of the release announcement for a full changelog. Download: debian-edu-7.1+edu0~b0-CD.iso (655MB, MD5).
Skolelinux 7.1 Beta 0 发布