Spring Framework 4.2 GA 发布
Spring Framework 是一个开源的Java/Java EE全功能栈(full-stack)的应用程序框架,以Apache许可证形式发布,也有.NET平台上的移植版本。 该框架基于 Expert One-on-One Java EE Design and Development(ISBN 0-7645-4385-7)一书中的代码,最初由 Rod Johnson 和 Juergen Hoeller等开发。Spring Framework 提供了一个简易的开发方式,这种开发方式,将避免那些可能致使底层代码变得繁杂混乱的大量的属性文件和帮助类。
Annotation detection on Java 8 default methods (e.g.
) -
Annotation-based application events (
) -
First-class support for annotation attribute aliases (
) -
Full nested path processing for direct field binding
Data binding and conversion for JSR-354 Money & Currency
Integration with Hibernate ORM 5.0 (natively and via JPA)
Standards-based bean scripting via JSR-223 (JRuby, JavaScript)
JSR-223 based web views (with a focus on JavaScript on Nashorn)
Rich support for CORS and declarative HTTP caching
First-class support for HTTP Streaming and Server-Sent Events
CompletableFuture for handler methods and
methods -
Support for Jackson’s
on STOMP endpoint methods -
A STOMP client for use over TCP and WebSocket channels
MockMvc HtmlUnit integration for easy local testing of web pages
Integration tests can alternatively be executed with JUnit rules
And, as always, many further refinements in the details.
更多改进请看 Spring Framework 4.2 新特性和功能增强说明。
下一个特性版本将会是 Spring Framework 4.3,计划在 2016 年 3 月发布,将会是 Spring 4 系统要求的终结 (Java 6+, Servlet 2.5+),Spring 4.3.x 生命周期支持到 2019 年。