Spring Framework 3.2 发布 GA 版本
自从Spring Framework 3.1发布以来已经整整一年了。我很高兴地宣布,Spring框架3.2 正式发布!
* Refined Java SE 7 support within the framework as well as through upgrades to CGLIB 3.0, ASM 4.0 (both of which we're inlining now) and AspectJ 1.7
* Concurrency refinements across the framework, avoiding the use of synchronization wherever possible – in particular for scoped/prototype beans
* Allowing for @Autowired and @Value to be used as meta-annotations, e.g. to build custom injection annotations in combination with specific qualifiers
* Support for custom @Bean definition annotations in @Configuration classes, e.g. in combination with specific qualifiers, @Lazy, @Primary, etc
* Asynchronous MVC processing on Servlet 3.0, with Spring MVC handler methods being able to return Callables and DeferredResults
* Inclusion of the formerly-standalone Spring MVC Test project, allowing for first-class testing of Spring MVC applications
* Support for loading WebApplicationContexts in the TestContext framework, and further improvements for web application testing
* JCache 0.5 (JSR-107) 早期支持,作为一个Spring的后端缓存抽象
对于更详细的内容,特是在 Spring MVC方面的许多增强,请查看文档: New Features and Enhancements in Spring Framework 3.2 。