FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA1 发布

jopen 11年前

FreeBSD是类UNIX操作系统,它基于加州伯克利大学的“4.4BSD-Lite”发行并带有一些“4.4BSD-Lite2”增强,面向 i386、amd64、IA-64、arm、MIPS、powerpc、ppc64、PC-98、UltraSPARC等平台。它还间接地基于 “386BSD”,此乃William Jolitz对加州伯克利大学的“Net/2”往i386系统上的移植,尽管如今只有极少的代码保留下来。FreeBSD被全世界的公司、因特网服务提供 商、科研人员、计算机专家、学生、家庭用户等用于他们的工作、教育、娱乐中。FreeBSD带有20000多个软件包,它们是预编译和打包好了、便于安装 的软件,并覆盖了广阔的应用领域:服务器软件、数
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA1 发布
Glen Barber has announced the availability of the initial alpha release of FreeBSD 10, the upcoming major update currently scheduled for release on 24 November 2013: " The first alpha build of the 10.0-RELEASE release cycle is now available on the FTP servers for the amd64, i386, ia64, powerpc and sparc64 architectures." Disappointingly, the release announcement provides no information about the planned features and improvements that are likely to be present in the new release, but here are a couple of other useful links: release notes (last updated nearly three months ago) and What's New on the FreeBSD wiki. The latter resource provides a list of changes, such as: " GCC is no longer built as part of the base system; Raspberry Pi support; support for AMD GPUs kernel modesetting...." The introduction of "bhyve", the BSD Hypervisor developed from scratch to offer a light-weight low-level HVM virtualization on FreeBSD, is another noteworthy feature. Quick links to download the amd64 and i386 installation images: FreeBSD-10.0-ALPHA1-amd64-disc1.iso (728MB, SHA256), FreeBSD-10.0-ALPHA1-i386-disc1.iso (597MB, SHA256).
FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA1 发布