FreeBSD 9.3 发布

jopen 11年前

FreeBSD是类UNIX操作系统,它基于加州伯克利大学的“4.4BSD-Lite”发行并带有一些“4.4BSD-Lite2”增强,面向 i386、amd64、IA-64、arm、MIPS、powerpc、ppc64、PC-98、UltraSPARC等平台。它还间接地基于 “386BSD”,此乃William Jolitz对加州伯克利大学的“Net/2”往i386系统上的移植,尽管如今只有极少的代码保留下来。FreeBSD被全世界的公司、因特网服务提供 商、科研人员、计算机专家、学生、家庭用户等用于他们的工作、教育、娱乐中。FreeBSD带有20000多个软件包,它们是预编译和打包好了、便于安装 的软件,并覆盖了广阔的应用领域:服务器软件、数据库和网页服务器、桌面软件、游戏、网络浏览器和商务软件,而这一切都是免费和易于安装的。

The FreeBSD Release Engineering Team is pleased to announce the availability of FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE. This is the fourth release of the stable/9 branch, which improves on the stability of FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE and introduces some new features.

Some of the highlights:

  • The zfs(8) filesystem has been updated to support the bookmarks feature.

  • The uname(1) utility has been updated to include the -U and -K flags, which print the __FreeBSD_version for the running userland and kernel, respectively.

  • The fetch(3) library has been updated to support SNI (Server Name Identification), allowing to use virtual hosts on HTTPS.

  • Several updates to gcc(1) have been imported from Google.

  • The hastctl(8) utility has been updated to output the current queue sizes.

  • The protect(1) command has been added, which allows exempting processes from being killed when swap is exhausted.

  • The etcupdate(8) utility, a tool for managing updates to files in /etc, has been merged from head/.

  • A new shared library directory, /usr/lib/private, has been added for internal-use shared libraries.

  • OpenPAM has been updated to Nummularia (20130907).

  • A new flag, "onifconsole" has been added to /etc/ttys. This allows the system to provide a login prompt via serial console if the device is an active kernel console, otherwise it is equivalent to off.

  • Sendmail has been updated to version 8.14.9.

  • BIND has been updated to version 9.9.5.

  • The xz(1) utility has been updated to a post-5.0.5 snapshot.

  • OpenSSH has been updated to version 6.6p1.

  • OpenSSL has been updated to version 0.9.8za.

For a complete list of new features and known problems, please see the online release notes and errata list, available at:

For more information about FreeBSD release engineering activities, please see:


FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE is now available for the amd64, i386, ia64, powerpc, powerpc64, and sparc64 architectures.

FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE can be installed from bootable ISO images or over the network. Some architectures also support installing from a USB memory stick. The required files can be downloaded via FTP as described in the section below. While some of the smaller FTP mirrors may not carry all architectures, they will all generally contain the more common ones such as amd64 and i386.

SHA256 and MD5 hashes for the release ISO and memory stick images are included at the bottom of this message.

A PGP-signed version of this announcement is available at:

The purpose of the images provided as part of the release are as follows:


This contains everything necessary to install the base FreeBSD operating system, the documentation, and a small set of pre-built packages aimed at getting a graphical workstation up and running. It also supports booting into a "livefs" based rescue mode. This should be all you need if you can burn and use DVD-sized media.


This contains the base FreeBSD operating system. It also supports booting into a "livefs" based rescue mode. There are no pre-built packages.


This supports booting a machine using the CDROM drive but does not contain the installation distribution sets for installing FreeBSD from the CD itself. You would need to perform a network based install (e.g. from an FTP server) after booting from the CD.


This can be written to an USB memory stick (flash drive) and used to do an install on machines capable of booting off USB drives. It also supports booting into a "livefs" based rescue mode. There are no pre-built packages.

As one example of how to use the memstick image, assuming the USB drive appears as /dev/da0 on your machine something like this should work:

   # dd if=FreeBSD-9.3-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img of=/dev/da0 bs=10240 conv=sync   

Be careful to make sure you get the target (of=) correct.


This can be written to an USB memory stick (flash drive) and used to boot a machine, but does not contain the installation distribution sets on the medium itself, similar to the bootonly image. It also supports booting into a "livefs" based rescue mode. There are no pre-built packages.

As one example of how to use the mini-memstick image, assuming the USB drive appears as /dev/da0 on your machine something like this should work:

   # dd if=FreeBSD-9.3-RELEASE-amd64-mini-memstick.img of=/dev/da0 bs=10240 conv=sync   

Be careful to make sure you get the target (of=) correct.

FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE can also be purchased on CD-ROM or DVD from several vendors. One of the vendors that will be offering FreeBSD 9.3-based products is:


FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE may be downloaded via ftp from the following site:

However before trying this site, please check your regional mirror(s) first by going to:

Any additional mirror sites will be labeled ftp2, ftp3 and so on.

More information about FreeBSD mirror sites can be found at:

For instructions on installing FreeBSD or updating an existing machine to 9.3-RELEASE please see:


FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE will be supported until January 1, 2017. The End-of-Life dates can be found at:

Other Projects Based on FreeBSD

There are many "third party" Projects based on FreeBSD. The Projects range from re-packaging FreeBSD into a more "novice friendly" distribution to making FreeBSD available on Amazon's EC2 infrastructure. For more information about these Third Party Projects see:

(1,718MB, SHA256),
FreeBSD-9.3-RELEASE-i386-dvd1.iso (1,581MB, SHA256).