基于Web的RSS/Atom新闻聚合器,Tiny Tiny RSS 1.11 发布
jopen 11年前
Tiny Tiny RSS是一个基于Web的RSS/Atom新闻聚合器,支持PostgreSQL和 MYSQL两种数据库,支持多用户,支持OPML导入导出,它的UI基于 Ajax技术开发所以看起非常像一个桌面应用程序。 在线演示地址: http://tt-rss.org/demo
- Server-side AJAX-powered application, user only needs a web browser.
- Free software, licensed under GNU GPLv3
- Self-hosted: control your own data and protect your privacy instead of depending on a cloud service which may be discontinued at any moment
- Supports
- feed aggregation / syndication,
- keyboard shortcuts,
- OPML import/export,
- multiple ways to share stuff: via RSS feeds, using plugins to various social sites, sharing by URL, etc,
- sharing arbitrary content through tt-rss,
- mobile devices,
- internationalization,
- various plugins,
- various themes,
- detecting and filtering duplicate articles,
- podcasts,
- flexible article filtering,
- JSON-based API,
- and much more...
发布说明: 从旧版本升级时,该版本修正了一个问题。它还在那里标签不应用在API中解决的一个问题。此外,还有一些性能增强和其他小的错误修正