Java 源码混淆工具,ProGuard 4.8 发布
jopen 13年前
<p>ProGuard 是一个免费的 Java类文件的压缩,优化,混肴器。它删除没有用的类,字段,方法与属性。使字节码最大程度地优化,使用简短且无意义的名字来重命名类、字段和方法 。eclipse已经把Proguard集成在一起了。<br /> </p> <p><br /> ProGuard 4.8 发布了,该版本修复了配置解析、优化和混淆方面的一些小问题,对 Ant Task 做了一些小改进。具体如下:</p> <ul> <li>Added more peephole optimizations for strings.</li> <li>Added support for multiple external configuration files in Ant configurations.</li> <li>Added support for Ant properties in external configuration files.</li> <li>Fixed parsing of empty file filters on input and output.</li> <li>Fixed parsing of '*' wildcard for file filters and name filters.</li> <li>Fixed obfuscation of private methods that are overridden in concrete classes with intermediary abstract classes and interfaces (workaround for Oracle bugs #6691741 and #6684387).</li> <li>Fixed optimization of complex finally blocks, compiled with JDK 1.4 or earlier.</li> <li>Fixed optimizing signatures of methods that are marked as not having side effects.</li> <li>Fixed optimization of long local variables possibly causing verification error for register pairs.</li> <li>Fixed merging of classes defined inside methods.</li> <li>Fixed stack consistency in optimization step.</li> <li>No longer removing debug information about unused parameters, for <code>-keepparameternames</code> or <code>-keepattributes</code>.</li> <li>Fixed updating manifest files with carriage return characters.</li> <li>Now removing unreachable code in preverification step.</li> <li>Improved default regular expression for stack traces in ReTrace.</li> <li>Updated documentation and examples.</li> </ul> <p><img alt="Java 源码混淆工具,ProGuard 4.8 发布" src="" width="320" height="234" /><br /> <br /> 下载地址:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958341686869547395" target="other">Download section</a> (at <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958341687671344827" target="other">SourceForge</a>)</p>