Lucene 和 Solr 4.8 发布
jopen 11年前
这次发布是Lucene要求JDK 7支持的第一个版本
以下是一些与 4.7.2版本相比的变化:
- First version of Lucene requiring JDK 1.7
- New index format stores checksums for each file and can check them during merges
- HunspellStemFilter uses 10 to 100x less memory and can open OpenOffice dictionaries without errors
- Rescorer API was added to allow recalculating score for documents using more complicated functions
- NativeFSLockFactory bug was fixed that allowed multiple IndexWriter instances obtain a lock
- Multiple bug fixes and improvements since Lucene 4.7.2
- Expand component was introduced – it allows to expand collapsing and block-join relationships
- Added ADDREPLICA command to CollectionsAPI to allow easy replica creation
- Complex phrase queries were added to Solr
- <fields> and <types> tags in schema.xml are not mandatory anymore
- REST API was added for synonyms and stopwords
- Optimizations and bugfixes from Lucene 4.8
Solr 4.8 细变化列表请查看:
Apache Lucene 4.8 下载地址:
Apache Solr 4.8 c下载地址: