最好的 jQuery 插件周报[7月5日-11日]

jopen 10年前

1. jquery.filthypillow

jQuery Filthypillow is a fancy and small calendar and date-time picker apt to be used in different web designing projects

最好的 jQuery 插件周报[6月5日-11日]

Demo | Download

2. DateDropper

DateDropper is a light jQuery plugin that offers quick and easy way of managing dates for input fields.

最好的 jQuery 插件周报[6月5日-11日]

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3. jQuery Shorten

This is a simple jQuery plugin that automatically shortens the text in a DIV and add show more link.

最好的 jQuery 插件周报[6月5日-11日]

Demo | Download

4. Bootstrap Dropselect

Bootstrap Dropselect is a simple jQuery plugin for extending bootstrap’s dropdown menu into something similar to github’s select menu.

最好的 jQuery 插件周报[6月5日-11日]

Demo | Download

5. Slideout.js

Slideout.js is a touch slideout navigation menu for your mobile web applications.

最好的 jQuery 插件周报[6月5日-11日]

Demo | Download

6. FrameCarousel

This is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating carousels within frames

最好的 jQuery 插件周报[6月5日-11日]

Demo | Download

7. Gridstack.js

Gridstack.js is a jQuery plugin for widget layout. The plugin enables users to build a draggable responsive bootstrap v3 friendly layouts.

最好的 jQuery 插件周报[6月5日-11日]

Demo | Download

8. Letter-by-Letter-JS

Letter by Letter JS is a lightweight jQuery plugin for presenting text letter by letter on a HTML page.


Have any such useful plugin to add to the list? Leave your comments below. We will be coming up with the more best jQuery plugins compilations for you all to check and use in your current or upcoming projects.