10 个来自Github的实用jQuery插件

jopen 11年前



10 个来自Github的实用jQuery插件

jQuery Validation

jQuery Validation Plugin为你现有的表单提供了插入式校验,同时使所有校验类型都能自定义以满足您的应用程序。

10 个来自Github的实用jQuery插件



10 个来自Github的实用jQuery插件

Lazy Load

Lazy Load delays loading of images in long web pages. Images outside of viewport wont be loaded before user scrolls to them. This is opposite of image preloading.

10 个来自Github的实用jQuery插件

HTML5 Placeholder jQuery Plugin

A jQuery plugin that enables HTML5 placeholder behavior for browsers that aren’t trying hard enough yet.

10 个来自Github的实用jQuery插件


Backstretch is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or element. The image will stretch to fit the page/element, and will automatically resize as the window/element size changes.

10 个来自Github的实用jQuery插件


Timeago is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. “4 minutes ago”).

10 个来自Github的实用jQuery插件


menu-aim is a jQuery plugin for dropdown menus that can differentiate between a user trying hover over a dropdown item vs trying to navigate into a submenu’s contents.

10 个来自Github的实用jQuery插件


Noty is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create alert – success – error – warning – information – confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog. Each notification is added to a queue.

10 个来自Github的实用jQuery插件


A simple jQuery plugin to extract the dominant color of an image and apply it to the background of its parent element.

10 个来自Github的实用jQuery插件