10 个实用的 jQuery 表单插件
Metro Login

This is a Login form that use CSS3 and jQuery Tricks to look like windows 8 login screen.
Responsive CSS Forms Set & Validation

D.A. Custom Forms is a set of responsive layout HTML/CSS forms validated via javascript. There are 3 layouts of the forms: vertical , horizontal and modal. The vertical mode structure is label and a field underneath, horizontal – label next to the field and modal type popups the form.
Wizard Pro

WizardPro allows you to create website wizards in just a few minutes. You can use this plugin for almost anything that requires a few steps, like a application installer, a signup or contact form.
jQuery Contact Tabs

A jQuery form generator for creating unlimited slide-out or static contact tabs containing AJAX powered customised forms. Plugin includes 12 different form elements and client-side validation.
Sky Forms Pro

Sky Forms Pro is a set of beautiful form elements with large amount of javascript features: validation, masking, modals, ajax submit, datepickers.
Smart Forms

Smart Forms is a responsive professional Form Framework / pack with a clean consistent Form UI. The framework includes a variety of form Widgets such as Datepickers, Timepickers, Monthpickers, Colorpickers, Numeric Steppers, UI Sliders, Google maps, toggle switches validation, masking among other features.
Pure CSS3 Forms Set + Validation and Masking

Pure CSS3 Forms Set allows you to create forms of any complexity and for any needs (login, registration, contacts, search, checkout, etc.). With powerful validation and masking your forms become super friendly and very easy to fill.
jQuery Simple Contact Form

With jQuery Simple Contact Form, you can install an ajax contact form on your website, writing only the form html code and one js code line. Email is generated and send by the plugin (php file included) .
jQuery and PHP powered Easy Form

This form loves validation. All fields (except for Company) are all validated through jQuery and PHP. JavaScript mainly for normal users who just love to fill in forms (and to save sending unnecessary requests to the server). PHP validation for those who love to try to break forms or just simply have JS disabled.