
admin 9年前

Static sites also require low bandwidth usage with having the possibility of version control systems. If you are interested in getting your own static site, here are some static site generators, you can check out.



Jekyll is the most popular static site generator that backs the GitHub Pages. This is very easy to use and requires just basic web development knowledge. It has numerous features like templates, layouts and configuration; you can easily convert text into customized blog posts.

It also allows importing the content from blogs on other platforms and you can create your own plugins, tags and converters for any mark-up language. Additionally, you can also away with your paid hosting as you can host a Jekyll blog on GitHub for free.



Octopress is essentially a blogging framework for Jekyll that make things simpler for a Jekyll blogger or content writer. The biggest advantage of using Octopress is that it is compatible with a large number of plugins, official plugins for Jekyll and Octopress, and also the plugins for third party developers.

It supports building and publishing of blogs to GitHub or Rsync in quicker and easier way. This framework comes with the built in support for 推ter, Google Plus, Pinboard and Google Analytics.



Hexo is simple yet powerful blog framework powered by Node.js. This static site generator is blazing fast and takes only seconds to build a complete website. Hexo supports all GitHub flavored Markdown support and most of the Octopress plugins. One of the key advantages of Hexo is that it lets you transfer your blog or site to your web host with a single command.

Website transfer from other blogging platforms is also a breeze with this tool, thanks to the numerous migration options that are available.



Hugo is fast, flexible, easy to use static site generator. Hugo is perfect to create blogs, documents and portfolios. This application does not depend on administrative privileges, databases, interpreters or external libraries and still works like a charm. Websites or blogs built with Hugo can be hosted on any of the web host including the GitHub Pages, S3 and Dropbox.

Hugo is built to deliver optimal performance and speed like Hexo, and as a result it builds most websites almost instantly.



Pelican is a static site generator is developed by using Python. This software supportsreStructuredTextMarkdown and AsciiDoc formats for writing content. Blogs and site built Pelican can be hosted anywhere like Hugo. This generator allows creation of blogs in multiple languages and also generates RSS and Atom feeds.

Pelican supports Jinja Template Engine, and as a result and it supports numerous easily customizable themes.



Middleman is a static site generator that utilizes all the shortcuts and the tools that are available for modern web development. This software is built on Ruby, and provides extensive documentation on usage and customization, and lets you customize your website with ease. Like Hexo, you can build and deploy your blog or site to any web host with a single command.

Finding the support is also easy with Middleman as this tool has an active open source community of people those are ready to help you.



Metalsmith is a simple, efficient, pluggable static site generator. The only thing that sets Metalsmith apart is that every task is handled by plugins and the best part is that all the plugins are reusable. Just decide what you want on your site, identify the relevant plugins and chain them together and that’s it your site is ready to deploy.

Files can be written and manipulated easily with the respective plugins. Metalsmith can also generate PDFs, e-books, documents and more.



It is rigged with pre-built website skeletons; DocPad lets you create a fully functional website within seconds. This tool supports CoffeeScriptRubyPHPStylus and more. With DocPad, blogs or sites can be transferred to any web host with ease.

DocPad also supports numerous plugins that make customization very easy. The extensive documentation and its helpful support community make this tool user friendly.



 Wintersmith is a flexible, minimalistic static site generator powered by Node.js. With Wintersmith, you can customize your site using simple plugins. Wintersmith’s projects are merely directory structures, which mean you can take content from your old static sites or from other generators and use them with this tool.

Easy deployment and speedy performance makes Wintersmith a popular choice. It supports Jade plugin and other community built plugins for Node.js’s template engines.



Cactus is a profitable static generator built on Python and Django template system. Cactus lets you develop websites locally and host them easily on Amazon S3 etc.

It offers beginner Django templates such as portfolios, blogs and single pages, as well as more templates for advanced uses. Cactus is ideal to build company sites, portfolios, support websites and blogs.



 It is a free open source web application that allows you to build AsciiDoc blogs on GitHub Pages. Creating a blog with HubPress is easy; in this all you need to do is fork or create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account and update the included config files as per your requirements.

HubPress also supports Google Analytics so that you can keep track of your site’s traffic and reader activities easily.