
jopen 10年前

10 Best Free Static Website Generators

1. Nanoc

Nanoc is a static website generator that is fit for building small personal blog, corporate web site and other websites.


2. Middle Man App

MiddleManApp makes development of websites simple. Its a static site generator using all the short cuts and tools in modern web development. Simply open up with link and click on get started to see how easy and fun developing a static website is.


3. Hexo

Hexo is a fast, simple and powerful blog framework powered by Node.js. With blazing fast speed to markdown support, one-command deployment with number of plugins to help ease your job, Hexo becomes one smart pick.


4. DocPad

DocPad is a static site generator that lets professionals and beginners work in sync and get the desired results. Built on Node.js and Express.js, DocPad empowers your website with layouts, pre-processors, querying and a robust plugin system. It is built on an open source foundation and is supported by community maintained plugins which is making it better and better with each passing day.


5. Hugo

Hugo is a static website generator that works flexibly with different formats that are ideal for blogs, documents, portfolios and much more. Its speed helps enhance creativity and makes building a website fun. Easy to install, simple to download and run, Hugo does everything ins imple and fun way without having to depend on administrative privileges, databases, runtimes, interpreters and external libraries.


6. Jekyll

Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs with the help of Jekyll! Its a simple blog-aware, static site generator that is powered by Ruby. What it does is that it takes a template directory containing raw text files in various formats, runs it through Markdown or Textile and Liquid converters and the result you get is a complete, ready-to-publish static website suitable for serving with your favorite web server.


7. Octopress

Octopress is a framework that is designed by Brandon Mathis for Jekyll that is a blog aware static site generator powering Github Pages. With it you need not worry about set up and all. Simply clone or fork Octopress, install dependencies and the theme and you are all set. From semantic HTML5 template,  mobile first responsive layout, easy themeing to beautiful solarized syntax highlighting there are many cool features that Octopress comes loaded with.


8. Harp

Harp is a static web server with built-in preprocessing that serves Jade, Markdown, EJS, CoffeeScript, Sass, LESS and Stylus as HTML, CSS and JavaScript that eliminates the need of configuration.


9. Sculpin

Sculpin is a PHP static website generator that helps convert Markdown files, Twig templates or standard HTML into a static HTML site that can be easily deployed.


10. Wintersmith

Wintersmith is a flexible, minimalistic, multi-platform static site generator built on top of node.js. It give you freedom in terms of limits on how you work with your content, comes with a Jade plugin, community-made plugins and offers cool features to work in favor thereby enhancing the overall experience.


Do you know any other best free static website generator that you find useful? Leave your comment and let us know.