1. jQuery Press and Hold Button
Developed by Tony Smith Press and Hold button jQuery plugin helps you make a button the user has to hold down for a period of time. It is actually a great substitute of ‘Are You Sure’ dialog boxes.
2. Stagehand
Developrd by Cameron Daigle, Stagehand is a rich prototyping tool for JavaScript-free interface state simulation. Stagehand helps designers and developers use simple static markup for describing, visualize and debug complex interface interactions.
3. jQuery Fade List
Fade List by Rodrigo dos Santos is a jQuery plugin for fade in/out items in a unsorted list.
4. highchartTable
highchartTable is not just one person’s initiative infact collaborative efforts of ingenious minds. This plugin provides a simple way to convert HTML data tables to Highcharts graphs.
5. jQuery Clock or Timer plugin in retro flip-count down style
Developed by Chupurnov Valeriy, Clock or timer plugin in a retro flip-count down style name says it all.
6. Bootstrap Color Picker Sliders
Developed by István Ujj-Mészáros, Bootstrap color picker slider is optimized advanced responsive color selector that comes with color swatches and support for human perceived lightness. And yes, it works in all modern browsers and on touch devices.
7. Zebra_Pin
Developed by Stefan Gabos, this is a lightweight jQuery plugin for pinning any element to the page or to a container element.
8. dynomap jquery plugin
Developed by Rijad Dizdarevic, Dynomap is a responsive image map plugin that allows for multiple states of when interacting with areas on the map and custom callbacks.
9. Tabslet
Tabslet is yet another jQuery plugin for tabs that is compatible with IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and jQuery 1.8.1, 1.9.1, 1.10.1, 2.0.2. and supports custom events, rotation, animation and controls.
10. jQuery Master Checkbox
Developed by Jason Judge, Master Checkbox is a jQuery plugin that supports select and deselect all on groups of checkboxes.
11. jQuery Simple Tagger
jQuery.simpleTagger is a jQuery plugin that is used to transform a