OpenMandriva Lx 2014.0 发布

jopen 11年前

OpenMandriva是一份功能齐全的Linux桌面及服务器发行,它由OpenMandriva Association赞助。它基于ROSA,而这则是于2012年从Mandriva Linux派生出的俄罗斯Linux发行;此外,它还集成了很多Mandriva最初的工具并引入了面向家用的增强。OpenMandriva的目标是为 自由及开源软件的创建、改进、促进及发布提供综合性的便利,并且特别服务于OpenMandriva的项目。

Download: OpenMandrivaLx-2014.0.x86_64.iso (1,531MB, MD5).

All of us in the OpenMandriva community are pleased to announce the release of OpenMandriva Lx 2014.0 'Phosphorus'." What's new in this version? "Functional UEFI support; easy and intuitive install process; a powerful variant of the 3.13.11 kernel that has been configured with desktop system performance and responsiveness in mind; a new welcome application which allows quick and easy set up of the newly installed system; LibreOffice 4.2.3; updated X.Org Server 1.15.1 and Mesa 10.1.0; new themes for the desktop, GRUB, Plymouth, KSplash and KDE; KDE 4.12.4 with a new menu launcher....