OpenMandriva Lx 2013.0 RC2 发布,Linux桌面及服务器发行

jopen 11年前

OpenMandriva是一份功能齐全的Linux桌面及服务器发行,它由OpenMandriva Association赞助。它基于ROSA,而这则是于2012年从Mandriva Linux派生出的俄罗斯Linux发行;此外,它还集成了很多Mandriva最初的工具并引入了面向家用的增强。OpenMandriva的目标是为 自由及开源软件的创建、改进、促进及发布提供综合性的便利,并且特别服务于OpenMandriva的项目。
OpenMandriva Lx 2013.0 RC2 发布,Linux桌面及服务器发行
The second and final release candidate for the inaugural stable release of OpenMandriva Lx is now available for download and testing:
" And here it comes - a week after RC1, OpenMandriva 2013.0 Lx RC2 is out on schedule. It's been mostly bug fixing and polishing at this stage. Nothing much different from RC1. You'll notice, though, that we've only got one launcher for RC2, KickOff. If you want SimpleWelcome, you can install rosa-launcher, if you want Homerun, you can install homerun and if you want Lancelot, you can install plasma-applet-lancelot. In RC2 we completed the artwork integration. It includes fixing of the plymouth theme, updated GRUB, ksplash, user avatars, and got a brand new screensaver. Additionally, following the results of 'The Flavour of Freedom' wallpaper contest, we've included the winners of the contest into 2013.0. In RC2 you'll find: Linux kernel 3.11.6, KDE 4.11, Firefox 25.0, LibreOffice 4.1.3."
Read the rest of the release announcement for more information and screenshots.
Download: OpenMandrivaLx-2013.0-rc2.x86_64.iso (1,522MB, MD5).
OpenMandriva Lx 2013.0 RC2 发布,Linux桌面及服务器发行