15个最好的 jQuery 全屏背景图插件

d66g 10年前

1. MaxImage

MaxImage 2.0 is a fullscreen background slideshow plugin that utilizes jQuery Cycle Plugin and all it’s transitions / options. MaxImage 2.0 determines whether your browser can use CSS3′s background-size:cover. If it can, it uses it as to limit the amount of heavy lifting that jQuery has to do. That means the majority of your users will have a slim and smooth experience. That is so important with large image animations.

2. Vegas

Vegas is an exciting jQuery plugin for creating fullscreen backgrounds for web pages. The plugin’s capability is not limited to displaying a single image but can also rotate a list of images automatically. It has settings for defining the interval of the slideshow, fade value and enabling preloading of the items. An API helps manually controlling the functionality with functions for prev-next, pause-play or jumping to a specific image.

3. Fsslider

This is the first resizable Fullscreen Slider! It fits on any screen! Using a smaller image than the biggest actual resolution? No problem… You can apply a “magic” texture over the slider to avoid any ugly pixel due to the resize of the images.

4. BigVideo.js

BigVideo.js makes it easy to add fit-to-fill background video to websites. It can play silent ambient background video (or series of videos). Or use it as a player to show video playlist. BigVideo.js can also show big background images, which is nice to have for showing big background images for devices that don’t have autoplay for ambient video.

5. Background

Background is a jQuery plugin for smooth-scaling, element-filling backgrounds. A really simple way to add element-filling background images.

6. CoverVid

CoverVid is a jQuery plugin to make your HTML5 video behave like a background cover image. It’s so easy to use.

7. Backstretch

A simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or elemen.t

8. Fullscreen Background Slider

Fullscreen Background Slider jQuery SlideShow
The plugin using the latest CSS3 transitions with some jQuery to display a really unique fullscreen gallery slideshow in the background of your website. With 36 animation types, 20+ patterns and customizable timing, it can be a modern and clean tool to create great websites, including landing pages or even coming soon pages.

9. Particleground

Particleground demo
Particleground is a jQuery plugin for snazzy background particle systems. Particleground includes an optional parallax effect controlled by the mouse on desktop devices and gyroscope on mobile devices. It works in any browser that supports HTML5 canvas.

10. Supersized

Supersized is a jQuery plugin that resizes images/backgrounds to fit the whole screen & display them as a slideshow. No extra whitespace or scrollbars occur as the entire browser window is always filled. The plugin preloads the images and offers various transition effects for presenting them. An optional prev-next-pause control makes navigating easier & with the help of options provided, Supersize can be easily customized.

11. Geometryangle

Geometryangle is a jQuery plugin to create fancy geometrical background for websites. Fast frame rate and highly customizable.

12. mbjQuery

mb jquery
jquery.mb.YTPlayer let you have a chromeless, customizable player for your favorite 油Tube movies. It can be used as background of your HTML page.

13. Theme Slider

theme slider
Modern Touch-Enabled FullScreen Slider with Unlimited Layers and Animations. Lot of customizable options, including timing, controlbar position and color for each slider. 91 predefined layer positions, 650+ Font Styles, more than 30 Text Animations with 10+ unique sublayer animations and 10+ main slider animations provides a very powerful marketing tool for your website. The main Slider transitions using the latest CSS3 animations with Hardware Accelerated method.

14. SuperSlides

Superslides is a full screen, hardware accelerated slider for jQuery. For browsers that support css hardware acceleration, tasks such as animation, are processed by the GPU giving massive performance gains. The control API lets you start, stop, animate, and destroy instances of the slider. You can get the current, next and previous slides programmatically. In fact, the slider uses the same API internally.

15. Master Slider

Master Slider is a premium image and content slider with super smooth hardware accelerated transitions. It supports touch navigation with pure swipe gesture that you have never experienced before. It’s a truly responsive and device friendly slider which works perfect in all major devices. Master Slider is an awesome layer slider as well, with the ability of adding any html contents (texts, images, …) in layers.