常用的10个 JavaScript 图形和图表制作库

nwbg 10年前

Fusion Charts

Fusioncharts is one of the oldest JavaScript chart library that was released in 2002. So it is highly compatible with older browsers like Internet Explorer 6.Unlike many libraries, Fusioncharts provides data parsing through both JSON and XML. It provides 30+ chart types. However, you need to purchase a license to remove the watermark.



VanCharts is a free library for making visual charts. It supports data display in the web (JavaScript) and mobile terminals (Android native/iOS native/Webview) and provides various types of common commercial charts. Apart from API call of codes, VanCharts also provides a revolutionary tool – chart designer with editing work done in visual interface. Compared with similar products, VanCharts owns more wide-ranging chart types,diversified style setting, reasonable color matching and practical functions and features.

Google  Charts

Google Charts is a JavaScript library for creating charts easily. The chart galley provides a large number of well-designed chart types, including line, bar, pie, and radar charts, as well as Venn diagramsscatter plotssparklinesmaps, google-o-meters, and QR codes are supported. It’s powerful, free and simple to use.


JS Charts is a JavaScript based chart generator that requires little or no coding. With JS Charts drawing charts is a simple and easy task, since you only have to use client-side scripting. No additional plugins or server modules are required. ChartJS provides beautiful flat designs for charts. It lets you create charts in different templates like bar chartspie charts or simple line graphs.


Chartist.js provides beautiful responsive charts. Just like ChartJS, Chartist.js is also the product of the community that was frustrated by using highly priced JavaScript charting libraries. Chartist.js provides beautiful responsive charts.


ZingChart offers a flexible, interactive, fast, scalable and modern product for creating charts quickly. It allows you to build advanced charts and visualizations in HTML5, SVG, VML and Flash. It also has a jQuery wrapper for this great charting library. Free to try, ZingChart licenses can also be bought at a variety of price-points to suit your business size. 


Flot is a JavaScript charting library for jQuery, with a focus on simple usage, attractive looks and interactive features. It is also one of the oldest and popular charting libraries. Similar to Fusion Charts, it’s also compatible with older browsers like IE6 and Firefox 2. Flot is completely free to use and commercial support is provided on special request to the creator.

jq Plot

Similar to Flot, jqPlot is a pure JavaScript plotting library for jQuery. If you are interested in comparing Flot to jqPlot, this thread has some good information. There are plenty of hooks into the core jqPlot code allowing for custom event handlers, creation of new plot types, adding canvases to the plot, and more.


Highcharts is a charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering an easy way of adding interactive charts to your web site or web application. It currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, arearange, areasplinerange, columnrange, bubble, box plot, error bars, funnel, waterfall and polar chart types. I don’t like the license fee but they have great customers (IBM, NASA, MasterCard, etc). They also have backward compatibility with IE8.


amCharts perfectly segregates itself into 3 independent charts — JavaScript Charts, Maps Charts (amMaps), and Stock charts. amCharts uses SVG to render charts that work in modern browsers only. The set includes serial, pie/donut, radar/polar, y/scatter/bubble, Funnel/Pyramid charts and Angular Gauges. However, these charts may not work properly below Internet Explorer 9.