11 个 JavaScript工具包用于创建图表和图形
![11 个 JavaScript工具包用于创建图表和图形](https://simg.open-open.com/show/2742e3c8a3094c07854884b633e60bbf.jpg)
Aristochart is definitely one of the best toolkits available for creating charts and graphics. The best thing is that is can be customized and is very flexible line charting library. Your focus can remain on aesthetic and Aristochart can take care of the backend data. It also offers a wide range of themes for your selection.
Morris.Js – Pretty Time-Series Line Graphs
![11 个 JavaScript工具包用于创建图表和图形](https://simg.open-open.com/show/ae38f486d74671e200e837a7d4c073be.jpg)
Morris.js is one of the most effective JavaScript toolkits. It is basically a library that controls the graphs. Morris.js is a simple API and it is for drawling line, bar, area and of course donut charts. You will find how convenient this is after using it.
JKit : JQuery Based UI Toolkit
![11 个 JavaScript工具包用于创建图表和图形](https://simg.open-open.com/show/e67055706ac3f2d611034e83f2f9aaf0.jpg)
JKit, is definitely an easy to use toolkit. It is a cross platform and jQuery based toolkit. Although its small in size but will offer you all the needed features. It makes life simple and removes complications from the development process.
D3.Js – JQuery 3D Plugin
![11 个 JavaScript工具包用于创建图表和图形](https://simg.open-open.com/show/cfffa8aaadac83ca144a20c5cb574f9b.jpg)
if you are looking to manipulate documents according to data, D3.js JavaScript’s library is the best option for you. It will help you in bringing your data to life with the help of HTML, SVG and CSS. The best thing is that it does not tie you to proprietary framework.
Rickshaw – JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive time series graphs
![11 个 JavaScript工具包用于创建图表和图形](https://simg.open-open.com/show/1ecb87fc9dcbf565c9054dab1599d580.jpg)
if you are looking to create interactive graphs, Rickshaw will provide you with all the needed elements. Since it is all based on d3 underneath, you will be able to draw graphs with SVG and styles with CSS. You can also customize your own techniques and the best thing is that it is free and open source.
sDashboard – Simple & light weight Dashboard framework in jQuery
![11 个 JavaScript工具包用于创建图表和图形](https://simg.open-open.com/show/2524a0a3dee02e8008197428b112abde.jpg)
sDashboard is basically a jQuery plugin and it converts assorted objects into a dashboard. Every object that has been converted will be rendered as a widget and a developer can drag it. This plug-in has built in support for interpreting datatable’s and flotr3 charts. It also offers a lot of other features that can simplify your life.
Highcharts – Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage
![11 个 JavaScript工具包用于创建图表和图形](https://simg.open-open.com/show/0397b9719fa7bacc2c9c2887f4706614.jpg)
This is basically a charting library and is written totally in pure JavaScript. This will offer you interactive charts for your website. Highcharts supports most of the chart types and it includes line, spline, column, bar and a lot more.
jqPlot – A Versatile and Expandable jQuery Plotting Plugin
![11 个 JavaScript工具包用于创建图表和图形](https://simg.open-open.com/show/20f924dafaf9c7fbaf2e431fb05c1981.jpg)
jqPlot is basically a charting plugin and it creates some beautiful pie, line and bar charts. It has a lot of features and offers wide variety of chart styles, offers customizable formatting and a lot more. It has been tested on all famous browsers such IE 7 and onwards, Firefox, safari and Opera.
jQuery Spidergraph Plugin – Dynamic, interactive spidergraphs in HTML5
![11 个 JavaScript工具包用于创建图表和图形](https://simg.open-open.com/show/1902b3930c52545a44795129abb1ac14.jpg)
Looking to create spidergraphs in HTML5? Well, your search ends with jQuery Spidergraph. This is basically a plain and easy to use module and it helps developers in creating goodlooking and attractive spidergraphs. Other features includes, illustrating scaled quantitative data for several subjective attributes and overlaying multiple data.
Dygraphs JavaScript Visualization Library
![11 个 JavaScript工具包用于创建图表和图形](https://simg.open-open.com/show/7900e0cfc6ebcf5a37bc9ebcb4be7e31.jpg)
Producing interactive, zoomable charts is not an easy task. However, dygraphs can definitely help you in doing this. It is basically an open source JavaScript library that proves to be benficial. It is basically designed to display slid data and users can obviously explore the data in order to interpret it.
I have always believed that charts are a great way to present data in a less complicated way. Creating a professional admin panle won’t be easy without charts. Also, setting them up is a tricky job, isn’t it? However, libraries such as xCharts are making lives a lot easier. You can use it for building some pretty AJAX-powered charts so what are you waiting for? Go ahead, explore it and live a simple, less complicated life.