提供计算机网络管理的Linux发行,Zentyal 3.5 发布

jopen 11年前

Zentyal是一份集成的网络服务器,它面向中小型企业提供简易和有效的计算机网络管理。它可以当作网关、基础设施管理工作站、风险管理工作站、办公服 务器、通信服务器或是上述的集成来使用。这些功能被紧密地集成以自动完成大多数任务,并且避免出错和节省系统管理时间。Zentyal遵循GNU公用许可 证(GPL)发布,它运行于Ubuntu之上。

Zentyal 3.5

Zentyal development team is proud to announce the release of Zentyal 3.5, a new Zentyal Server Community Edition. Zentyal Server is the open source alternative to Windows Small Business Server, including native replacements to Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange Server.


Among all the changes Zentyal 3.5 introduces, we would like to put the focus on:

  • New base distribution: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty)
  • Removal of synchronization with OpenLDAP
  • Support for Microsoft Outlook 2010 and inbox refresh improved
  • Removal of some modules (L7 Filter, FTP, Zarafa, User Corner, Captive Portal and Bandwidth Monitor) to focus in the rest


The migration from Zentyal 3.4 to 3.5, not only affects Zentyal but also involves a Ubuntu base distribution upgrade. Apart from that, we are still working in the migration of all the users data from OpenLDAP to Samba4, so the upgrade procedure will be published in the next weeks (either by button on the dashboard or commandline script).


Here is the APT source entry for Zentyal 3.5:

deb http://archive.zentyal.org/zentyal 3.5 main extra


About Zentyal

Zentyal designs and develops IT solutions for small and medium businesses since 2004. The company provides SMBs and their local IT providers all-in-one IT solutions that are easy to use, from the server to the cloud. Zentyal-based solutions allow SMBs to reduce and rationalize IT investments, improve the security and minimize system downtime.

Zentyal-based solutions are widely used by small and medium businesses independently of their activity or location, as well as by public administration or the education sector. The partnership agreements signed with IT support and service providers in more than 20 countries guarantee the distribution of Zentyal-based solutions to customers worldwide.


Full Change Log

You can read the full change log from 3.4 to 3.5 here.


Download: zentyal-3.5-amd64.iso (637MB, MD5).